
  1. C

    Honda Odyssey

    I saw the commercial and got the song stuck,lol it shows vans how they have changed over the years, i believe a part of the lyrics was hold on hold on tight, it sai something about families born in vans ? grrr they wont replay the commercial now, i been waiting all night. does anyone have any info ?
  2. A

    Honda Civic animated

    Okay, I saw this one during Charmed tonight, I used search and couldn't find this song for the Civic commercials it came up with. It's like...electronic music, it's got a good beat and the only words I could get were Oh..Oh..Oh...hey There were no words inbetween. I've heard this song at work...
  3. D

    Honda Civic SI

    Hey, Today I saw the new Honda Civi SI Commerical on tv and I must know the club music playing in the background. I've been searching to no avail. I'm pretty sure this is a very new commercial as I've not seen it before. If I recall there is a girl singing and it's definately club music...
  4. S

    Honda Asimo "Run" robot

    Whats the song in this commercial.
  5. S

    Honda "Power of Dreams" Asimo

    Honda "Power of Dreams" Asimo anybody here who knows that song in the honda asimo ad that goes "nananana, nananana nanana nananana" ? (like that could help :P ) it's been stuck in my head for some time now. help!
  6. R

    Honda Civic Hybrid "Mix"

    I don't know it, i've tried searching the internet, i just don't know what to do anymore
  7. U

    Honda "Power of Dreams"

    Honda "Power of Dreams" Has anyone seen the Honda "Power of Dreams" Commercial where Honda highlights its various championships through the years? The commercial is accompanied by a voice-over of Honda's company vision and an instrumental. Does anyone know what the instrumental is?
  8. A

    2001 Honda Civic "Cut it Out"

    2001 Honda Civic "Cut it Out" Maybe 3(?) years ago, I think it was a VW commercial - red car, teenage girl driving with her friends in the car, and her little brother in the middle of the back seat, camera pans down to show him rubbing his leg up against one of the girls' legs, she screams or...
  9. F


    hi, I want to know the name of the song and artist of the Honda OR FORD car commercial. The commerical goes like this, a Small car sliver color comes out from a dirt road to a new well laid ,road. there is no sound till then and suddenly the song comes up. when the car is on the good road...
  10. C

    Honda Civic Nation 2004 SI Coupe

    What is the music in the new (?) commercial for the 2004 Honda Civic SI Coupe? The commercial is of 4 Civics and their owners in a white carwash. Thanks for any help. -Nate
  11. J

    2004 Honda Civic SI "Civic Nation"

    Theres a new Honda Civic commercial out now with two cars driving towards each other down a narrow country road, one is your average un modified sedan driven by a middle-aged man, the other is a heavily tanked orange civic with a young asian man behind the wheel. The un modded sedan is playing...
  12. M

    Honda Civic Coupe

    Hello people. I'm new here and it looks like a great site. Has anyone seen the new Honda Civic commercial where the kid is walking along the the beach and he walks into a girl....and it's a black honda civic in the commercial. What's the name of the song playing in the backround????? Thanks...