2004 Honda Civic SI "Civic Nation"


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Theres a new Honda Civic commercial out now with two cars driving towards each other down a narrow country road, one is your average un modified sedan driven by a middle-aged man, the other is a heavily tanked orange civic with a young asian man behind the wheel.

The un modded sedan is playing Habenera from the opera Carmen, and the other car is playing some rap/hip-hop song (maybe Kardinal Offishall), as they come closer the music is perfectly in sync with each other.

I need the rap song's name

Much thanks
Ive been looking around for that rap song too without luck.

It has a DMX ring to it.

Sure like to know...its driving me nuts now.

Ill be sure to post should I find out anything.

Does anyone know the sonf that is used in the honda commercial wer there is a orange one and a normal non modified honda civic driving towards eachother

i want to know the song that the ORANGE HONDA is listning to

plz help me....THNX
Still wanting to know... :(

Saw the commercial here this evening.

('Here' is B.C. Canada)

Never allowed a song to bother me like this!


Most likely a Canadian-only commercial.

Probably why you've yet to receive a response.
This has happened before...

We Canadians like rap music but dont have a clue who to thank for our likes.

Did they play that first Civic Nation one (the one with all the flashy civics cruising town) in the states? I remember a bunch of people frantically trying to figure out that song a few months back.

Im surprised it is Canada only, unless it will be coming out further abroad later on. If so, ohhh I feel special...I got to see something before the states did!! :o

Crappy weather and funny money dont seem quite so bad now. :lol:

My latest is that I heard it was Denizen Kane again.

Apparently they were intending to use his rap again for their second Civic Nation commercial. This information was obtained when someone phoned inquiring about the first Civic Nation commercial earlier in the year.

I should phone them as suggested to me. Im in the market for a new car...they should be very helpful once they know that piece of info!
Originally posted by Gr8ClassAct@Nov 16 2003, 11:30 PM
My latest is that I heard it was Denizen Kane again.
I think I read that somewhere too... But, I don't know if it was for an American campaign or Canadian...

Which reminds me... Here's an old US ad that featured a Denizen Kane remix, is it the same song you're hearing by any chance?

Sorry this one is turning out to be such a pain, guys... :(
Hey Michelle!

That song is an older one from the first Civic Nation commercial. Thanks tho!
It seems people figured that one out pretty quick when it was popular back last year.

Yeah, this one is sure being tough!! :(

Ive heard some Kardinal Offishall...he is Canadian and does sort of sound like he could have produced this mystery...

I dont see this commercial on TV much anymore either.

How about anyone else?
Have I suggested that someone try contacting Honda Marketing and finding out who did the ad? Likely, if this song is as good as it seems, they've gotten lots of calls regarding it and might be able to give you a quick answer.

Worth a shot...
I haven't seen this in a while, but I'll try to be as specific as I can.

The commercial starts with a man driving a car listening to classical music (I'm pretty sure it's opera). It then cuts to a younger man, driving the same type of car but listening to something with a dance beat. The camera moves back and forth between the two as they drive closer and close together. As the two cars pass eachother, the songs merge into what sounds like a really cool dance remix, then fades as they both drive off. (I think it ends with the older man.)

Does anyone know what car this is, or what the song(s) are? I'd love to either download the commercial or track down the song... it would be great if it were a complete remix, but I think that's asking a bit much.

Alright...while snooping around on Honda's page, I found their Civic Nation page...lo and behold, they got that tune.

Go to http://www.civicnation.ca/ and enter the site. Once in and the music starts playing, you will see a 'radio' icon top right corner put your mouse over it, and click on button #2 to get the tune we are looking for playing. #3 button has the classical piece from the commercial.

Anyway...Im going to do what I should have done before posting this, is to surf the site to see if they have the song name.

Hope to post the happy news soon before I go get hammered for New Years party.


Also, if you click on the Drive In button at the bottom, they let you download the commercial.

Thanks for finding that link. This has been bothering me forever too. (maybe one day we'll know that song)
Honda Civic

Hi all. Sorry if this is a repost. But I'm looking for a honda civic commercial song, I think it's about 4-5 years old, and it was shown on TV in Canada(not sure if it was shown in States).

The commercial starts with two civics approaching each other, one of which has a businessman in the car playing a classical tune and the other car has a hiphop dude playing a hiphop song. And the two songs were intermixed with each other.

I hope the above makes sense.

Thanks for the help!
Re: Honda Civic

Well, I see you've been waiting for an answer for a long time. Nobody replied... Hope you found the answer cause I'm looking for the actual commercial. I've tried everything online and I can't find the commercial. If you had luck finding it, please let me know. Thanks
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Re: Honda Civic

Well, I see you've been waiting for an answer for a long time. Nobody replied... Hope you found the answer cause I'm looking for the actual commercial. I've tried everything online and I can't find the commercial. If you had luck finding it, please let me know. Thanks
