The Lunch Table

Might be.. I'm drooling and slack-jawed, but I'm awake..

I'm working on our directory. :) It's really lame. :)
You don't have to worry about that. I was just going to list everyone's info they provided, and add on as needed. ;)
oh, the basement directory....i've really gotta be awake more when i post
I saw Monster in Law!

It is the best movie.. JLo I didn't really care about but Jane Fonda and Wonda Sykes or Stykes.. are hilarious
She's the snobby one from Singles and Lake Placid and Single White Female.
Hahah me too, on commercials. Watching Yes Dear and reading The Da Vinci Code right now..
:lol: I'm watching Alias and going through my book collection. :nerd:
Are you a geek like me and organize em alphabetically by author's last name?
OMG me too! I don't know if that's the OCD in me or what but it used to piss my dad off and he'd come in my room and mess my books up. <_<