The Lunch Table

Heheh.. I really hate that ad. <_<

Ughh I think I had too much rum, I just told Blurg I love him.
Whoa, I don't know it was possible to be that drunk.

Did that ^ make sense? :blink: I need sleep.
To answer your qustion this is how drunk i am:

steph: i got my lucky magazine today!!!
steph: they're running a special...2 yr subscription for $15~!!!
melissa: which mag??
steph: lucky
melissa: oh lol
melissa: i thought you meant like
melissa: lucky magain
melissa: oops
melissa: mag
steph: lol
melissa: like, like hat
melissa: LOL
melissa: like LUCKY HATE
melissa: ROFL
melissa: HAT! HAT! i meant HAT
melissa: wow
steph: haha
steph: having fun with that?
that seriously needs to go in the greatest hits

all who are for putting it in the greatest hits thread, oink like a piggie

Oink oink oink oink!