The Lunch Table

Originally posted by dascoot@Apr 25 2005, 08:26 PM
Does anyone know what gets the stink of onion off your hands? Steph and I were thinking lemon.. dude my hands smelly funky..
I always just stick my hands in a big bowl of crushed garlic and knead it for a couple of minutes. Gets the onoin out EVERY TIME. ;)
Originally posted by Enyone@Apr 26 2005, 05:30 PM
I like apples with peanut butter
Yer a weirdo.

Ravi: Thanks!

Fitz: You smartass. <_< That's ok I loves ya anyway.

me --> :) --:heart: --:heart: --:heart: :blink: <--you
Hmm.. yeah that might be weird.. I only meant Erika was a weirdo cause that was so totally random.

I like peanut butter and tomotoes. :)
Originally posted by dascoot@Apr 26 2005, 05:59 PM
Don't feel like editing.. so that ^ is supposed to be "tomatoes". But you knew that. :)
I wanna get a dog and name it Plump. Anthony can I have a dog?

:) Sure Melissa.

My sister wants to name her pets (or kids, i can't remember) Pepto Bismol, Benadryl, Cow, and a couple of other names.
a sister and a younger brother.

that older brother i told blurg about, i made up ;) :lol:
Originally posted by a_iver@Apr 26 2005, 06:54 PM
I wanna get a dog and name it Plump. Anthony can I have a dog?

:) Sure Melissa.

My sister wants to name her pets (or kids, i can't remember) Pepto Bismol, Benadryl, Cow, and a couple of other names.
She's quite a character, that girl. A glimpse into the near future:

"Hi Uncle Anthony!"

"Hi Monostat 7!"
I want a sibling!! come one where can I get one?

Michelle kick ass avatar!
Costco is a huge warehouse-type store where you can buy food and other stuff in bulk. ;)