The Lunch Table

:lol: I guess they don't have Costco's in Belgium. :unsure:

In New Hampshire the competition between those type of stores are Fierce. Cosco's BJ's and Sam's are all located within 500 yds of eachother.
Wow that is fierce. Here every time someone builds a Walmart, someone else builds a Target within a few blocks. :rolleyes:
I always see Rite Aid's on one corner, and Walgreens across the street on the other corner. Or 3 gas stations at one intersection... :rolleyes:
We just have Sams here. Do they check ID at the door where all of you guys are at?
Bj's use to charge 25 cents to use one of thier shopping carts. <_<
Originally posted by Tyrell@Apr 27 2005, 01:32 PM
Bj's use to charge 25 cents to use one of thier shopping carts. <_<
Haha that's so LAAAAME. Whadda ya do, flip em a quarter? Or do they tack it onto your bill?
They had all the shopping carts hooked up into this contraption, where they were all attached and you needed to put a quarter in the dispenser to free one shopping cart.
Oh, duh. Yeah they have that at Disney, cept with strollers.

Love is like oxygen! Ya get too much you get too high, not enough and you're gonna die.. love gets ya high..
[color= #ff0066] is anyone at the lunch table yet? tee hee[/color]
i had some cereal...honeysmacks :) what're you having? i hope you're not eating anything while you're watching "franketnstein"
LOL nope, gonna have to wait til it's over. Between the incest and the amniotic fluid I'm not so hungry. :ph34r: