The Lunch Table

Oh hey guess what? So I'm reading The Da Vinci Code as I've stated before, and all this talk about the Mona Lisa keeps bringing to mind the scene in The Freshman when Matthew Broderick and that chick are talking about how the Mona Lisa in their house is the original.. and then guess who's a guest star on CSI: NY? The chick! I ain't seen her in anything BUT that movie, and I haven't thought about that movie in years! :woo:
Originally posted by Enyone@May 18 2005, 09:57 PM
haaaaaaaaaa... no.. he seriously looked like Andy.. i said you look like someone. He said Ummmm who? I said a guy on Adtunes. He said Rock on, now finish your drink.
Currently eating: Day-old Chik-Fil-A coolwrap that I bought and didn't finish and stuck in the fridge and forgot about and now the lettuce is wilty but who cares, Ah'm HONNNNgry.
Eeww sushi. I'd tried it before and hated it, and everyone told me I musta just had some bad sushi since it's *soooo* spectacular.. so my family made me try some on my birthday and it was super mega uber gross. :sick:
*shrugs* not for eveyone. Next time you run across is, try drowning it in soy sauce, that's how i ''got use to the taste''
Originally posted by Sir_Garland+Nov 22 2005, 08:10 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Sir_Garland @ Nov 22 2005, 08:10 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Bloodlessr@Nov 22 2005, 10:38 PM
I want chicken kiev.
:huh: OMG I love chicken kiev!!! [/b][/quote]
Its the best, especially with rice underneath, so when you cut open the kiev all the butter that comes out soaks into the rice. Hot damn.
Does anyone know a good recipe for chicken soup? Like a really GOOD one, not just "Chop up veggies and chicken and boil in water."