Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

Originally posted by leone@Jun 6 2006, 09:50 PM
I don't know, what happened to my avatar?
"HTTP Error" image not found. I like his British accent. :wub:
You guys need to see the orgasm of ultimate pain video! Hilarious. It sounds bad but its just funny.
Someone was gonna send me this pirate porn once but he couldn't format it right. :lol:
You make me snort! Joyriding! In an airboat?! I'm thinking of the opening of CSI:Miami now.
:lol: :lol: That's exactly what I was gonna give as an example in case you didn't know what one was. That's another Florida cliche, every single movie and/or show you've ever seen based here has someone riding a damn airboat. <_<
:lol: Yes! Plus every show photo I've seen, he always playing with his sunglasses and has the :mellow: expression.