Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

Leone gets sexy points! and no one else. now i'm of to watch jerry maguire for the gallionth time.

*trots away*
I got that. Anyway I'd just like to share my joy at discovering the theme song of House. I've watched in the past but never caught the very beginning. So, I :heart: House.
Originally posted by a_iver@Jun 4 2006, 01:03 AM
5 sexy points to whoever got my reference
Like, who wouldn't get that? It's not some obscure reference or nothin.

And didn't we have a thread somewhere where we talked about you and a hammer and.. something.. you said you were mechanically disinclined I believe? K I gotta find that now.
Originally posted by AmelieMellow@Jun 4 2006, 09:03 AM
whomp whomp
:lol: :lol: I've started doin that every time the old man's video game character dies.