6th sense thread

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Oooooo spill em cos I gots some to spill.

Mi madre came to see me in the beautiful town of San Antonio today and we met up with a very wise old friend. He tells me "You need to clean your room and place a mirror facing the front door." I sayd why for.. HE said because Erika you work so close to people, you have a way with people. There are evil people in the world and you see, talk, and touch them everyday and you bring home their energy, good or bad. That mirror sends them away. I was like :mellow:

Then I told him how I can feel people, when they're near, when something is wrong.. ect. Well one night I woke up at exactly 3:30 in the morning and knew with every single ounce of my body something was wrong with my roomate, Haley, I knew it. But I didn't want to call her cos I knew she was out and I HATE when she calls me when im out. So i waiting for her. I knew I was waiting for her to call me. 5:30 rolls around and I llook at my phone and BAM she calls.

She's bawling hysterically telling me it wasn't her fault and if I can get her. She was on the south south south side of town. She had been raped, and the man left her in the middle of nowhere, with one shoe and her purse. He robbed her too.

So my mom has talked about being outside of her body. for example in the house she says she sees herself. I don't know how to explain it but this one time she was walking from her bed and she saw hersef in the mirror, before she got in front of it. Like she saw herself walking before she walked there. If that makes sense.

We always had a ''spirit'' with us, but now she's saying they're touching her. Her shoulder, or her hair... pretty freaky huh.?

I think I have a spirit in my apt, because the red table chair is always pulled out, ALWAYS. I can't tell you how many times I day I push it in. And you wanna know what our friend said to me

''Take out the trash, and stop pushing in the chair''
Oh my god I'm so sorry about Haley. :(

My husband's been feeling/hearing my ghosties lately so I know it can't be just me. He doesn't even believe in it, still doesn't, he keeps trying to rationalize it away. I wanna talk to someone like your friend so I can ask who the hell it is parked in my bathroom.

Hug your roomie for me. :(
I kinda already told this a few days ago but I'll tell 'em again.

About 10 years ago, during the summer, my parents were remodeling the house. They converted the present-day computer room into their temporary bedroom. It looks out on the backyard and the back deck. One night my woke up up out of a dead sleep and heard a little boy calling for his mother. My brother was sleeping on a cot in the next room and she thought it was him. She got up to see what he needed but he was fast asleep. And then she heard him again. She followed the voice out to the back deck stairs but there was no one there. And my dad was sleeping right beside her and he never heard a thing.

Also in the same house, my older brother was walking up the basement stairs and he heard someone walking up behind him. He told me this when I was about 11 and from then on I always noticed it.

And this one isn't really sixth sense-ish but it's creepy and sad. The house across the street that was demolish about a month ago used to be own in the 1940's by a doctor and his young family. One night someone broke into the house and kidnapped his little boy and later killed him... :ph34r: could it be the little boy my mom heard that one night 10 years ago??? We'll never know.

Kinda wierd,.. but I had randomly thought of Aaron Spelling like two days before he died. I thought, ''hmmm he hasn't died yet''' and then when i saw it on the news.. it was like old news to me *shrug*

The other day I was waking up from a nap and Lenny (my cat) was on my chest and I was petting him and petting him and then all of a sudden he got this look of of fright, i know it's a cat, but he perked up and looked so terrified and he was staring at this spot on my wall....
Originally posted by Enyone@Aug 11 2006, 09:10 PM
The other day I was waking up from a nap and Lenny (my cat) was on my chest and I was petting him and petting him and then all of a sudden he got this look of of fright, i know it's a cat, but he perked up and looked so terrified and he was staring at this spot on my wall....
My cat does that all the time. He so intent on this "thing" on the wall when there's clearly NOTHING there. But it freaks him out nonetheless. And I ignore him until he starts acting normally again. <_<
Gah I hate it! I get too scared to look I think I'll see a face in the wall or something :unsure:
No don't worry, you're cat is just schizophrenic. All cats are.
Charlie had a dream last night that he was looking out through the window at my mom who was in a white robe. It was raining and Charlie could hear her, but she couldn't hear Charlie. It scares me because when I was a child I had dreams that the devil was trying to make me choose evil over good, and I worry about him. :( :unsure:
Um.. sounds more like he feels like you people don't listen to him enough.

Everyone has that dream. It means he's growing up and trying to make a voice for himself.
Originally posted by Enyone@Aug 12 2006, 01:24 AM
Oooooo spill em cos I gots some to spill.

Mi madre came to see me in the beautiful town of San Antonio today and we met up with a very wise old friend. He tells me "You need to clean your room and place a mirror facing the front door." I sayd why for.. HE said because Erika you work so close to people, you have a way with people. There are evil people in the world and you see, talk, and touch them everyday and you bring home their energy, good or bad. That mirror sends them away. I was like :mellow:

Then I told him how I can feel people, when they're near, when something is wrong.. ect. Well one night I woke up at exactly 3:30 in the morning and knew with every single ounce of my body something was wrong with my roomate, Haley, I knew it. But I didn't want to call her cos I knew she was out and I HATE when she calls me when im out. So i waiting for her. I knew I was waiting for her to call me. 5:30 rolls around and I llook at my phone and BAM she calls.

She's bawling hysterically telling me it wasn't her fault and if I can get her. She was on the south south south side of town. She had been raped, and the man left her in the middle of nowhere, with one shoe and her purse. He robbed her too.

So my mom has talked about being outside of her body. for example in the house she says she sees herself. I don't know how to explain it but this one time she was walking from her bed and she saw hersef in the mirror, before she got in front of it. Like she saw herself walking before she walked there. If that makes sense.

We always had a ''spirit'' with us, but now she's saying they're touching her. Her shoulder, or her hair... pretty freaky huh.?

I think I have a spirit in my apt, because the red table chair is always pulled out, ALWAYS. I can't tell you how many times I day I push it in. And you wanna know what our friend said to me

''Take out the trash, and stop pushing in the chair''
holy crap they got the bastard that did it right?
Originally posted by dascoot@Aug 11 2006, 07:28 PM
I wanna talk to someone like your friend so I can ask who the hell it is parked in my bathroom.
Last night I had a hyper-realistic dream where I got a chance to talk to someone after all and I didn't like what he/she (the person had no determinable sex) had to say.

We were talking about just general crap, I don't remember what, then I said "OK I've always known I'll die young, will it be soon?"

And there was a hesitation. And he/she said "Is this something you really want to know?"

I said "It is soon."

He/she said "You will have another year. You should get your affairs in order and enjoy what time you have left."

So I sat there thinking (the panic didn't start until I woke up) and I said "OK.. OK so how will it happen?"

He/she said "Your heart is weak."

And I'm like "Yeah but I just had all these tests done by a cardiologist, he said it's not a big deal and it won't kill me!"

He/she said "Humans make errors."

I said "Well can I make some kinda lifestyle changes that will prevent it?"

He/she said "You will only prolong your life by a few months" and I saw inside my head this like, 3d tangible chart. And that was basically it.

So! I'm callin it here folks, one more year. We should take bets, see if it was just a dream or not.
That's really scary.. I'm sure it was just a dream though. Did you remember anything about the person? Did they frighten you in the dream?
Originally posted by dascoot+Aug 12 2006, 07:32 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dascoot @ Aug 12 2006, 07:32 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-dascoot@Aug 11 2006, 07:28 PM
I wanna talk to someone like your friend so I can ask who the hell it is parked in my bathroom.
Last night I had a hyper-realistic dream where I got a chance to talk to someone after all and I didn't like what he/she (the person had no determinable sex) had to say.

We were talking about just general crap, I don't remember what, then I said "OK I've always known I'll die young, will it be soon?"

And there was a hesitation. And he/she said "Is this something you really want to know?"

I said "It is soon."

He/she said "You will have another year. You should get your affairs in order and enjoy what time you have left."

So I sat there thinking (the panic didn't start until I woke up) and I said "OK.. OK so how will it happen?"

He/she said "Your heart is weak."

And I'm like "Yeah but I just had all these tests done by a cardiologist, he said it's not a big deal and it won't kill me!"

He/she said "Humans make errors."

I said "Well can I make some kinda lifestyle changes that will prevent it?"

He/she is said "You will only prolong your life by a few months" and I saw inside my head this like, 3d tangible chart. And that was basically it.

So! I'm callin it here folks, one more year. We should take bets, see if it was just a dream or not. [/b][/quote]
im not taking bets on that
hmm.. well i'm sure it was just your subconscious or something. there's only truly one person who can decide when it's time, and i'm sure if you ask him he could prolly give you an extension ;)

no worries melissa :-)
when i was five, this random old lady told me i was going to die by the age of 21.
well, my 21st birthday came and went and i'm still here.
oh yeah, and my grandmother (who hates me) says that i'm haunted.
not my house or the room i sleep in, me.
i think i talked to somebody on here about it.
Oh snap I remembered something else, I told the person "But this is just a dream" and he/she said "You'll know it's not a dream when you see a scene from a movie acted out." Which, yeah, doesn't make sense right? But inside my head I saw the scene he/she was referring to. I don't know WHICH movie it is, but there was a girl looking out the rear window of a white minivan while it drove away, and she was calling out something to the people that were standing on the sidewalk watching it drive off. Saying goodbye, something. So if I see that happen I'll let y'all know. :ok:
Originally posted by a_iver@Aug 12 2006, 01:48 PM
hmm.. well i'm sure it was just your subconscious or something. there's only truly one person who can decide when it's time, and i'm sure if you ask him he could prolly give you an extension ;)

no worries melissa :-)

You can't believe that god has a plan, and then also believe that praying for something selfish has any real effect. Why would he alter his plan because one single person asked him to?

And altering it millions of times because millions of people asked him to? That shows no resolve.
Originally posted by sickboy@Aug 12 2006, 01:48 PM
i think i talked to somebody on here about it.
Yeah you've told us about that. I forget what examples you gave though.

I have someone that follows me around. They pretty much stick to the house, my car, and the walkway between the two. When I moved into my first apartment I thought it might be haunted til I realized it followed me every time I moved to a different place.

Man, that Assisted Living Facility was mad haunted. I saw people all the time. Wasn't the only one either, my coworkers saw people, some of the residents did too. And not just the senile ones, I'm talkin people that were only there because their arthitis was so bad they needed help getting dressed in the mornings.
Originally posted by dascoot@Aug 12 2006, 02:10 PM
I have someone that follows me around...
Do you sense it or is this the outta-the-corner-of-your-eye type thing? :ph34r:
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