Has anyone seen "Dascoot"?

She went fishing on the good ship Guppy. Got kidnapped by pirates. They're using her in unspeakable ways. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh. She's having a GREAT time.!!!!!!!!! ;)
Originally posted by Scythe@Apr 30 2007, 03:48 PM
Of all your talents, surely the most impressive is your modesty
LOL......I actually am VERY modest, Really. I just wanted to see what it would be like to break out of my usual self and declare myself something more important to this Adtunes Community than just an insignificant, non-contributing regular poster. :( :cry: :banghead:

Kidnapped by pirates!.....well lets place a call to Depp and Bloom and ask for their assistance. You know they have a blockbuster coming out this Summer.

On a side note:
Excuse me "Scythe", but is your picture a Rabbit trying to "hump" (IE: have sex with/or F@*K) a balloon?

I see a rabbit jumping on a round object that bursts.

Your picture must be the topic of many discussions on Adtunes. At parties, you must be the one to generate "controversy".

Originally posted by jffodom@Apr 30 2007, 10:09 PM
Kidnapped by pirates!.....well lets place a call to Depp and Bloom and ask for their assistance. You know they have a blockbuster coming out this Summer.

...which means they're busy at the moment
Busy with Melissa making "Pirates of the Carnal Being" :naughty:
Originally posted by jffodom@Apr 30 2007, 10:16 PM
Excuse me "Scythe", but is your picture a Rabbit trying to "hump" (IE: have sex with/or F@*K) a balloon?

I see a rabbit jumping on a round object that bursts.

Your picture must be the topic of many discussions on Adtunes. At parties, you must be the one to generate "controversy".
I know what 'hump' means - I'm not as stupid as you look, you know :P
Very talented "givemfitz", very talented. That is actually really cool.

Why can't I ever think of or do something like that?? :(

Originally posted by givemfitz@May 2 2007, 06:20 PM
I don't. :lol: :lol:
What do you say? "Thanks, bye-bye now"? :lol: :lol: :P
:lol: :lol: In that particular situation.............It depends. I say lots of things. I just don't say anything I don't mean. ;)
I may jump around the room wearing nuthin but their panties on my head but I'm serious about it and I don't say I'll call if I'm not going to.