Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

Originally posted by leone@Jun 7 2006, 02:47 PM
:lol: My mom's friend used to leave on the radio or the TV when she went out to run errands, to discourage potential burglars. I thought that it might work but what if it's a neighbor, and they hear the noise but you're not answering. They're gonna think you're dead in there or soemthing.
I never thought about that part. We used to do that in my old neighborhood and it worked too!! We had a couple of friends get mad at us becuase they would stop by and knock on the door then next time we saw them they would say something about how they stoped by and we wouldn't answer the door. We would ask them when and what time and "oh, well we were at work then." Then they would say, "No, I know you were home cause the TV was on, I could hear it. " :lol:
here are two conversations i had at work today.
i had been helping this guy with some anime when this older gentleman came down the aisle, he stood there and didn't say anything.
i turned to acknowledge him and he waved me off so i turned back to anime guy.
i must have been answering anime guy's questions for about fifteen minutes, during this time, the older gentleman had left the aisle and came back.
finally, the older gentleman gets closer and says, "i don't mean to disrupt you, but could you help me when and if you finish with him?"
me "sure, it's what i get paided to do"
him "are you mocking me?"
me "no"
bythis time, anime guy walked off and i told him thank you for stopping by
older gentleman "are you done with him now?
me "yes"
him "boy, you sure were going above and beyond with helping him"
me "really?!? thanks, it's what we are suppose to do"
him "..."
me "yeah, we're suppose to be your friend and stuff and find out a little bit about you so we can help you better"
him "..."
me "so what can i help you with?"
him "i don't need your help"
and he walked off.

conversation #2
me "welcome to best buy, is there anything in particular you are looking for?"
lady "imlookinfoglahsudew"
me "i'm sorry?"
her "you speak spanish?"
me "no"
her "mel geebson, gladouterwear"
me "huh?"
she turns to her kid and syas something in spanish.
he kid "do you have gladiator?"
me "yes, this way"
i hand her the dvd and she looks at me and asks, "what is you last name?"
me "why?"
her "because i want to know?"
me "my last name is not important, did you have any other questions?"
her "yes, your last name, what is it?"
me "i'm not going to answer that"
she turns around and walks off
i continue to walk the ailses when my manager comes up to me and demands why i won't answer her question
i tell him that she dosn't need to know my last name
him "what? is that what she was asking you?"
me "yes"
him "she told me that you wouldn't answer her questions about a dvd"
me "what?!?"
he turns to her and says that my last name is not important.
me" you just want to know my last name because you want to bitch me out for not knowing spanish, right?"
her "..."
me "well?"
her "you are a disgrace to your heritage"
me (being drowned out by my manager yelling at her that she is no longer welcomed to shop here) "last time i checked, i am american and i speak ENGLISH!"
sorry for the long post, just had to vent.
Originally posted by Sir_Garland+Jun 7 2006, 03:56 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Sir_Garland @ Jun 7 2006, 03:56 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-leone@Jun 7 2006, 02:47 PM
:lol: My mom's friend used to leave on the radio or the TV when she went out to run errands, to discourage potential burglars. I thought that it might work but what if it's a neighbor, and they hear the noise but you're not answering. They're gonna think you're dead in there or soemthing.
I never thought about that part. We used to do that in my old neighborhood and it worked too!! We had a couple of friends get mad at us becuase they would stop by and knock on the door then next time we saw them they would say something about how they stoped by and we wouldn't answer the door. We would ask them when and what time and "oh, well we were at work then." Then they would say, "No, I know you were home cause the TV was on, I could hear it. " :lol: [/b][/quote]
Ha see, it'd work for me since I have no friends and I'm pretty sure my neighbors are unaware of my existance anyway. :woo:

John.. :lol: :lol: Dude I just don't know what to say to you..
maybe i should have posted that in the type your anger thread
oh well.
and by you not knowing what to say to me, is that a bad thing?
Originally posted by dascoot@Jun 7 2006, 04:51 PM
I'm pretty sure my neighbors are unaware of my existance anyway. :woo:
So that's a good thing if you ever decide to commit some crimes. :devil:
Originally posted by leone+Jun 7 2006, 05:05 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (leone @ Jun 7 2006, 05:05 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-dascoot@Jun 7 2006, 04:51 PM
I'm pretty sure my neighbors are unaware of my existance anyway. :woo:
So that's a good thing if you ever decide to commit some crimes. :devil: [/b][/quote]
Some people say "She was such a quiet neighbor, polite, kept to herself."

Mine will say "Someone LIVED there?"
:lol: That's if they catch you. If they're still looking for suspects, your name won't come up. :ph34r:
Originally posted by Scythe@Jun 7 2006, 05:49 PM

sounds like fun
You've just predicted my future. :mellow:
Nah-uh! :angry:

Secret Lab Explosion, Kills 50, Maims Thousands :ph34r:

edit: cuz I can't spell :rolleyes:
Pasty White Loner Found Dead In Apartment, Dog Methane Thought To Be Cause
:lol: :lol:

June 7 -- Tragedy struck this quite, stripper infested Florida neighborhood when someone lit a match and the whole block went boom! :leela:
:lol: :lol: Stripper infested..

Cockroaches everywhere celebrate their freedom from the water bottle-armed enemy.
Originally posted by Sir_Garland+Jun 7 2006, 01:56 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Sir_Garland @ Jun 7 2006, 01:56 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-leone@Jun 7 2006, 02:47 PM
:lol: My mom's friend used to leave on the radio or the TV when she went out to run errands, to discourage potential burglars. I thought that it might work but what if it's a neighbor, and they hear the noise but you're not answering. They're gonna think you're dead in there or soemthing.
I never thought about that part. We used to do that in my old neighborhood and it worked too!! We had a couple of friends get mad at us becuase they would stop by and knock on the door then next time we saw them they would say something about how they stoped by and we wouldn't answer the door. We would ask them when and what time and "oh, well we were at work then." Then they would say, "No, I know you were home cause the TV was on, I could hear it. " :lol: [/b][/quote]
:lol: all the newslines

here's mine:

Insects swarm Wisconsin home, young man found crushed in giant clothespin.
Originally posted by leone@Jun 7 2006, 06:31 PM
:lol: :lol:

June 7 -- Tragedy struck this quite, stripper infested Florida neighborhood when someone lit a match and the whole block went boom! :leela:
Originally posted by a_iver@Jun 8 2006, 12:16 AM
Insects swarm Wisconsin home, young man found crushed in giant clothespin.
:lol: :lol: Payback! :annoyed: