Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

I also love any Blues, Phish, Blues Traveler, Dylan, and now I am particularly fond of a lot of 80s music.
I have to say, it seems like you were really born after your time. Either the 60's woulda been good for you or the early/mid 90's here in Seattle! Although some of those hardcore people are still here. *The Dan* I have one in my family. Deodorant is a fascist choice. :lol:
Bah! Tom's of Maine Natural Deodarant is the way to go.

And patchouli!
At least I smell like Ivory soap and on the really good days I smell like pineapple and Hawaii. :)
Originally posted by sketchyrx@May 6 2006, 11:56 PM
All bad. :blink: *nose falls off*

Actually, the patchouli scent is just from the incense. I don't like the lotion or oil too much...
So what's the plan tonight? I'm gonna watch SNL for sure... and um..talk to my aunt and uncle who are in town for the weekend...and play Towers...and um ..... Iunno. :rolleyes:
Yeah, bed is in the plan for tonight.

I'm going to the Farmer's Market (fuck yeah) tomorrow. This Deadhead chick that is a frequent at Rite Aid, so is obviously a favorite customer of mine, has a booth up with hemp jewelry and other knick knacks. She said she'll fit one for me because, well... it's me. :)

Nighty night.
Like every once in a while? I don't like the smoking....but to each his own. :)