Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

No Company Picnics

Number of Employees Worldwide
1. Best Buy - equal to population of Canton, OH
2. UPS - equal to population of St. Louis
3. Bank of America - equal to population of Salt Lake City
4. Staples - equal to population of Utica, NY
5. Gap - equal to population of Tallahassee, FL.
AMC Movie Theaters - equel to the population of Toyko

fucking bastards don't have anything for us to do!
I think it's a worldwide epidemic of spillers of sodapop. Whatcha gonna do? :lol:
I gave up about four months ago. Little kids spill their kids packs, dumb teens purposely cause a mess, and old folks really aren't to blame. So, sticky floor it is!! :woo:
You would be one of the guest that I would put out because of disruptions... :lol:
You would never know it was me. :ph34r: I learned ninja tricks from Garret.
And isn't he just a super-duper teacher? What a Jedi Master... :) *thwack across the skull*
Oh, yes...very good teacher. *quicky dodges thwack, uses other hand to pop the forehead*
WHAT?!!! StarWars!! Oh, it's REALLY ON!!! :ph34r: :ph34r:

With the wave of my hand, everything seized! HAHHA!!! Matrix baby! Can't stop THE ONE!!!

*20 combo ass kicking!* :ph34r:
I'm THE one...

...hey...if your Trinity and I'm Neo, then that means that your my babes and you WON"T keel me cause you lurve's me... ;)
Y'all kill me dead. :lol: I'm picturing Erin flingin shit around and Corean popping up from the sticky floor like the Scavenger Smoker. :lol: :lol:
Trinity still has reservations about Neo. *runs up wall and then lands to do the Mr. Miyagi high-flyin' kick thinger* :ph34r: