Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

Originally posted by dascoot@May 9 2006, 03:36 AM
Y'all kill me dead. :lol: I'm picturing Erin flingin shit around and Corean popping up from the sticky floor like the Scavenger Smoker. :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol:

Trinity... :( .... :angry: ....... :ph34r:

*easily grabs Trinity's incoming legs, swings her around like a duffel back, and then throws her in the nearest wall*
Ok I'm officially deadish now. The padawan teacher must help me... :ph34r:
Late nites...birdies chirping on soundtrax...I'm outta Diet Coke though...I hafta go downstairs and get my 3rd for the day...
Don't you hate when you have a craving for something but it's not in the house? Too late to go get it? :angry:
Well, I do have 7-Eleven around the corner...do I really feel like sneakin the car...? Nah, not worth it. <_<
You have to take the car to 7-Eleven? Not quite around the corner is it? I live across the street from a hospital and a 24 hour Top Foods and Shari's and Bertolino's (coffee shop not taken over by Starbucks and there isn't one near it 'cept in the Top Food(little booth))
I live down a serious hill, you could call it a valley, and I am not carrying this huge ass up the street this time of night/morning...
:lol: huge ass... :lol: *clears throat* well stock up tomorrow nite. You're almost there. :)
:lol: Well, it's not huge like abnormal looking, not fitting my body shape but, it does feel heavy. Maybe like when some women have big boobs and it pulls on their back? Well, that's my ass if I'm walking up a heel.
Ehhm, Nelly calls that "Apple Bottom" girls. trademark and registration acknowledged.
Originally posted by sketchyrx@May 9 2006, 01:11 AM
No Company Picnics

Number of Employees Worldwide
1. Best Buy - equal to population of Canton, OH
2. UPS - equal to population of St. Louis
3. Bank of America - equal to population of Salt Lake City
4. Staples - equal to population of Utica, NY
5. Gap - equal to population of Tallahassee, FL.
i'm from canton, oh?