Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

Okay, remember that thread I posted a long, long time ago about my husband's boss' daughter getting pregnant and hiding for 6 moths while she continued to drink and all? Then she found out she couldn't abort it so got set up to give it up for adoption but last minute decided to keep it?

Well... Tuesday she was driving on the highway and hit the guard rail and flipped her suv. The baby was in her car seat but not buckled in and ended up on the floorboard under the passenger side dashboard! And this is a complete miracle but the baby is perfectly fine. She's 6 months old and completely okay. Well this chick managed to have time to buckle herself in (apparently just not her baby. :angry: ) and every single window in that thing shattered. When the paramedics and stuff got there they could tell she was "on" something so they asked her to do a blood test and she refused which is just the same as admitting guilt here. I have no idea what's going to happen but they released her from the hospital but made no arrest. :angry:

So, we need to go get Leone and her flamethrower and.... :evil:
Well GOOD! That means the baby will go to the grandparents, or some other capable person! I don't know why they let that bitch keep the kid in the first place. :angry:
Well, they've taken the baby and given her to the grandpa for now. The are going to go to her house and evaluate everything. The problem is that her dad has always caved in on everything. I mean, she's never really had any sort of serious consequence for any of her decisions. And her mom's not any better, she's just like her.
Good, now it's out of Daddy's hands and the courts won't slap her wrist. At least I sure as shit hope not. What about the father, or his parents?
damn that's something else...at least there is a chance the baby will get a more responsible care-giver
Originally posted by Bloodlessr@Dec 15 2005, 11:07 PM
*thing I said before about the hormones and stuff and it'd be inappropriate to post*