Cingular Motorola SLVR with iTunes


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I just saw the newest Cingular/AT&T commercial for the new Moto SLVR iTunes phone. There was an awesome song playing - sort of reminds me of the Bodyrockers or some UK rock band of some sort. Anyone have any idea who that is or where I could find out who that is? I've found most of the music in commercials I've seen on I finally joined after all these months and I was really suprised that the info on that Cingular/AT&T comm was on here yet.

Help me out.

Black and white commercial for the new Motorola SLVR phone.
In the ad, a man and his dancing shadow walk through a city. The song he's listening to is "Bom Bom Bom" by the Living Things. Available on Amazon.
Hi, is this the same commercial that is done at night in city with guy walking and his shadow dancing? If so I want to know this tune also. Capt. Mark USMM
OKay, there is a new commercial for those special phones from Cingular that have iTunes. The one I'm curious about is the one that is filmed in black and white, and shows a man in a suit walking down the street, and his shadow/reflection is dancing to the music on his phone. I really want to know what this song is. The only lyrics I can recall are "Shake this city tonight"

Please help! :o
It's already been answered here at AdTunes ...

The Living Things - "Bom Bom Bom"

There you go.
there is a commercial for the iTunes capable cell phone ROKR where the dude is out at night walking and his shadow is dancing. What song is playing??? it is driving me insane.
This has already been answered here ...

The Living Things - "Bom Bom Bom"

There you go.
what's the name of the other SLVR commercial song, with the guy walking down the street at night time but his shadow is dancing. I think it goes "we're gonna wake this city tonight". I've seen all the other commercials but i can't find the song for this commercial yet :(
Originally posted by hulajenny@Feb 27 2006, 07:37 PM
what's the name of the other SLVR commercial song, with the guy walking down the street at night time but his shadow is dancing. I think it goes "we're gonna wake this city tonight".
That's "Bom Bom Bom" by the Living Things.
In the new commercial, there is a guy walking w/ his shadow dancing along to a song "Bum bum bum" i've heard it before but i don't know who sings it. Thanks!
Does anyone know the name & artist of the song in the Sliver phone commercial where the guy is walking and his shadow is dancing along beside him? It's set at night and he's walking along listening to this song on his phone and a call comes in so his shadow stops dancing while he takes the call. He's walking through a tunnel and tells the caller he's just getting some air. He then resumes listening to the song and the shadow resumes dancing. It has lyrics saying something about "We're gonna shake this city tonight." It could be a spot for both the Sliver (Motorola) & iTunes and has aired in the major networks during prime time.
Thanks for any help you can give me!
Song from an old phone commercial...

I know this is a long shot, but there was an ad for some sort of cellphone back in 2006 (I think). It featured a guy walking along, listening to music on his phone, and as he calmly walked, his shadow danced beside him. I think the song went something like "we're gonna light this city, burn it to the ground." But any search for the lyrics hasn't turned up results for me, so I could be way off. I'm not expecting much, but maybe someone will recognize it.