VW Volkswagen Jetta


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Just saw a brand new ad for the Jetta.. GREAT song - A couple is playing loud music in their apt, then a neighbor complains, so they buy a new house and a new subwoofer AND a new jetta! great ad! Great song!
Anybody know what it is? ;)
Oh wise one, i bow!
thank you for your wisdom! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
The guys at VW are usually good about that. Way back when the BUG was redesigned and they released a new color called "vapor", they ran an ad with Hooverphonic's RENAISSANCE AFFAIR. I emailed them and they responded back quickly.
A little help on this rock/alternative sounding song in the latest commercail?

A couple is dancing to the music which is loud and sounds good (to me) and an old guy keeps banging on their door to tell them to turn it down.

They go the store, crank the same song while they're driving and buy all these speakers and stuff and drive home---to a new house (a single home).

A little help on this rock/alternative sounding song in the latest commercial?

A couple is dancing to the music which is loud and sounds good (to me) and an old guy keeps banging on their door to tell them to turn it down.

They go the store, crank the same song while they're driving and buy all these speakers and stuff and drive home---to a new house (a single home).

Does anyone know what that song is used in the Volvo commercial that starts out with people turning up the music in an apartment and someone on the floor below is pounding the ceiling with a broom stick?

this commerical has some kids dancing in their apartment, then buying some stero equipment, and finally moving into a house at the end, because their downstairs neighbor kept yelling at them. It had the tagline "all grown up, sort of" I think. Anyone have any idea of who played the music in the commerical? Sorry if it's already been asked, searched but didn't see anything
Try your search by spelling it V-O-L-K-S-W-A-G-E-N ;) :P

I think it was Kings of Leon "Molly's Chamber."
What is the song that is playing in the vw commercial where the couple are danging crazy in their apartment when the neighbor downstairs gets made and goes up to stop them. then they drive to the store to buy a better home sound system and they have their own home now and the dance even crazier. Please help me out, that song is cool. B)
does anyone know the song that plays in the vw commercial where the guy and girl are dancing to music, get yelled at by their neighbor, go out and buy a subwoofer, and at the end it turns out they have bought a new house? it's a guy singing, and the lyrics are easy to hear but I don't remember them. thanks!
Ok, I can remember what the commercial is about, but not much after that. And I need the song from it. Here goes...

Guy and Girl are dancing upstairs in their apartment, having fun. Mean Neighbor downstairs is bothered by the loudness and starts banging on the ceiling, finally going up there and complaining. So they resolve the issue by going to a store and buying this huge sound system and the next thing you se is them dancing again, and the sound is even louder. But they are in their own house that they are buying.

Go figure, I haven't seen the commercial in a while and I have the beat stuck in my head. Any help?

Seeing as this ain't been merged yet, I'll tell ya anyway. "Molly's Chambers" by Kings of Leon. They've got a bunch of other great songs as well...
Does anyone know the name of the song in the new VW Jetta commercial?
you know, the one with the couple jumping up and down to the music, then the neighbor comes up, then at the end of it they buy a new house...
thanks dudes!