Okay, this is a little old, but it's been nagging at my brain and I fear that if left unresolved, I will go even more insane than I already am.
Anyhow, the commercial starts out with a guy driving in a car. He appears to be blond, though it is difficult to be certain since it is all filmed in black&white; and rather good-looking. There is some kind of soft music playing in the background; a female singer in some european-sounding foreign language, and a repeating "ding dong" of a wedding bell. Moving along, he gets trapped behind a train en route to the wedding of his (presumably) sweetheart, because he apparently objects to said union. Trapped in the traffic, we see him silently screaming in frustration at his inability to get to his destination. When he finally gets to the church, there is a silent and akward pause, and a look is exchanged between the two. Then it ends, and there is some brief message who's contents I cannot recall. FIN
What is the music? It was beautiful and has haunted my mind since I first saw it.
Tell me now!!