The Simpsons Season 3


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In The Simpsons, episode 8F06 (Lisa's Pony), Homer embarks in a dream in which he visits Slumberland. There is a song in it that has always caught my ears.

Is it a real song that I could download, or buy, or is it a song that Alf Clausen just created?
Any lyrics? Instrumental? ?????????? "Nights in White Satin" by The Moody Blues is listed but not as a dream sequence. The others I saw don't come close.
I think it was written specifically for the show. I know that there's two versions: the one you mentioned and the enhanced version from "So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show". The trouble is, I could swear it was released on a soundtrack, except I checked every Simpson soundtrack I could find and none of them had either version, which I find odd because they have practically every other song written for that show, even the "Land of Chocolate" one. :confused:
No lyrics. It's basically instrumental, and it's kind of a lulaby.
Originally posted by Finchy@Apr 1 2004, 07:26 PM
I think it was written specifically for the show. I know that there's two versions: the one you mentioned and the enhanced version from "So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show". The trouble is, I could swear it was released on a soundtrack, except I checked every Simpson soundtrack I could find and none of them had either version, which I find odd because they have practically every other song written for that show, even the "Land of Chocolate" one. :confused:
Yeah, I liked the enhanced version better.

I have The Land of Chocolate! :D
For that I would start with Brahms or Bach. I know Dadada doesn't help much but if people could put them in scale.............

......................................daaa (pause).................................................

It takes some editing and is kind of a pain in the ass but if you want answers to classical music..................
The Simpsons "The Otto Show" season 3

In the episode when bart and milhouse go to the spinal tap concert, homer stays in the car listening to the radio and sings to this song called spanish flea. It has very funny lyrics to it but i never heard of them before. Did homer just make up the lyrics? I found out the music is performed by the band herb albert and the tijuana brass but it has no lyrics to it. Can anyone clear this up for me?
I have have Alperts version with no lyrics, however, I looked around, and saw the lyrics listed are the ones Homer said.

Mayber there's "lyrics" but no one sang them.

Who knows?

Hillarious episode!
BTW - Are you in the UPN Detroit (WKBD) area? I saw that episode last night too in Howell, Michigan.
oh well, thanks for helping anyways. That was a funny episode. I liked when homer calls otto a drain-clogging, last-cookie-eating, collect-call-getting sponge :lol: I says that to my firends now. And i live in orange county, california and it was on fox.
Another article I found mentioned this:
The Doodletown Pipers, one of the great slices of 60s whitebread pop, rendered their own account of the happy-go-lucky "Spanish Flea," which was commemorated by Homer in a "Simpsons" episode a few years ago.
(I think the gist of it was implying that Doodletown Pipers made up the version that you heard in The Simpsons.)
That episode is by far in my "top 10 simpsons episodes list". The highlight of that episode would HAVE to be when Milhouse is all beat up and calling for help under the pile of steel chairs...hahahahaha they forgot about him! :lol:
cool thanks michelle. Now to look for this doodletown pipers. I like when otto goes to take the driver's test:

Patty: When you do good, I use the green pen. When you do bad, I use the red pen. Any questions?
Otto: Yeah, one. Have you always been a chick? I mean I don't want to offend you, but you were born a man, weren't you? You can tell me; I'm open-minded.
Patty: (dropping the green pen) We won't be needing this.
I will always laugh my ass off when I hear/see Homer's reaction to Otto's hair in the sink.

The Simpsons "Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk" season 3


anyone have an idea of the song (classical) in the simpsons episode Burns Verkafen der Kraftwerk during Homer's 'day trip' through the Land of Chocolate?

I think the song was used in some old Daffy Duck cartoons...

Ask anyone around here, and they'll tell you - I WANT TO KNOW TOO!!

I've come to realize that it was done by Alf Clausen (the music guy for the show) only for the show.
It does sound a lot like "Happy Go Lively" by Laurie Johnson, which can be found on "Music for T.V. Dinners".
Yeah, it does, but they all resemble that type of music. I'm certain it was done for the show by Alf Clausen.
Thanks for the suggestion on the Laurie Johnson but unfortunately, that wasn't it. Good direction though!

any other suggestions?
I'll say it one more time... :P

Alf Clausen, the music director for The Simpsons, recorded the song himself. I am pretty certain that there is no real title to it, as I too have been looking for it for ages.

I've looked in both versions of Music for TV Dinners, and other various "lounge" music cds, but found nothing.
Okay. okay. I believe you. I do see on AMG music Alf Clausen and The land of Chocolate. I didn't believe you because I remember the song from Daffy Duck cartoons as a kid. I was thinking there was an original version somewhere...
Bach, Beethoven, Clausen!

hehe thanks