The Lunch Table

I was talking about his spleen, what were you thinking of? :unsure:

:devil: :lol:
Oh, good. As long as it's not his apendix. :angel:

:lol: :lol:
:lol: We could always take him to the same place I took Seamus last week. Mmm Rocky Mountain Oysters. :naughty:
:lol: :lol: It's be practice for when we go on Fear Factor. :)
Guh *shiver* no thanks, I'll stay home and babysit the Lab Gimps while you go.
:lol: :lol: :lol: @ Lab Gimps

Aww, no Madagascar hissing cockroaches for you. :ph34r:
:lol: Haven't seen it but I know the premise.

:nerd: pix are hawt. :lol:
:lol: :lol: I'm the one crouching down 'cause I always get the weird pose in group photos. :leela:

Which one are you? :P
I'm totally that hot chick on the right in the Hammer pants. :naughty:
Originally posted by leone@May 9 2006, 09:45 AM
:lol: :lol:

That one! He doesn't need it. :ph34r:
:!@#$: :angry: :annoyed: :confused: :mellow: :(

so mean to me :cry:
I'm the one in the middle that's looking back at something cause I'm always doing something weird in photos.
I had the Big Mac meal before I passed out from hunger...I could hardly shop in Wal-Mart. <_< I don't understand why, I had something to eat earlier... :unsure: