Starburst Fruit and Creme whistling

Yup, that info has already been posted several times, but thanks for the info.
In the commercial for starburst theres a whistle in the background (do do duuuu do do dooooo), is that the beginning to a song?? Anyone?
Go here. There is a menu to the upper left, some stuff along the right side, and a huge picture in the middle with silhouettes of the whistlers from the ad. It says "Get the flavors, watch the spots, download 'The Whistle Song' FREE and.. GET YOUR SMOOTH ON!"

Am I the only person that sees that main page? This is the second person to say they couldn't find the mp3 on the website.
for what it's worth... i didn't have a problem finding the song, dascoot.

however, if people still can't find the song by clicking on the silhouettes, you can also find it by clicking on the link, from the main page, called "Brand Spankin'" -- the link to the song should be in a box on the top, right side of the page... "Download PJ Olsson's mesmerizing track...". :rolleyes:
What is that commercial where they have this boy and girl walking bent back, lookin all cool? The music kinda sounds like whistling. Any ideas?

I just wanted to say that The Whistle Song is NOT by PJ Olssen, it's by a band called Kent. I knew this before I came to this site but never-the-less I clicked the PJ Olssen link. Of course that song cannot be found on any of the albums listed @
That may be the case, but if you visit Starburst's site, they credit Olsson's (cover) as the one used in the ad. And, in my Weblog entry the link to Amazon does not specify a CD, it was a link to all of Olsson's other work. You can download Olsson's version from the Starburst site.
hey i've heard this song before but i can't figure out what it is. i know it's been in a commercial before too i just don't have any idea what for. it starts out with someone whistling and then switches into a guy singing. "I can count angels flyin on by. i can somethin somethin..." the chorus is the whistling part again then the second chorus type thing is the guy singing, "you're tearin me apart my're bringin me down over and over again. you hurt my soul and you wrecked my're bringin me down over a friend" if someone knows what that is please tell. thanks!
Remember that one StarBurst Commercial where everyone is walking down the street, and they are whisteling? What was the name of that song?