Buick Enclave "Blue Eyes"


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Buick Enclave "Blue Eyes"

Going crazy... The instrumental chill beat on the Buick Enclave ad "Blue Eyes" is haunting me like a bad Rowling plot..... it's the headlights ad saying "look left, look right..." You can listen to it on the buick.com website on the Enclave page under Enclave Media / Videos/ TV Ads. I originally heard it and loved it on Top Gear, ep 10-06, the Estate Car segment with the M5 Touring and Merc 63, when Clarkson introduces the Merc..... daddy like! Sorry, no vid link for that one....


I've searched high and low and found only a few dead-ends regarding this ad (one tempting thread on here from last year suggested a song title "Stunning" but no artist was mentioned nor could be found, much less a song called Stunning that sounds like it). FinalGear.com's music list for this particular segment seems WAAAAY off, I've tried listening to every song on the list compared to the episode and NONE of the suggested songs even seem close to ANY of the music in the episode. Dunno who put that list together.

C'mon, I know AdTunes can pull it off.... this site's done it so many times before. Sanity-Saver for sure....

...ok, found out something strange. Looking on YouToob and found videos of the Estate episode. I see that the original episodes have totally different soundtracks than the soundtracks included on what must be the repeats and On- Demand versions, which is where I first saw the episode and heard the song. THAT explains FinalGear's list being all whack. Must be an issue with clearances/ residuals for every repeat viewing.

Anyways, out of all the vids, I could only find this one with the song, at time 6:12 but it's got crazy translation dubbed over it. Hope this helps.... and watch these wicked cars get crazy.

I ran across your post today when looking for more info on the Blue Eyes ad soundtrack myself! I joined AdTunes to reply to you.

Last Fall is when I first saw that commercial, and like you, it grabbed me. I did some research on it back then but gave up at some point. I did find some additional info I'll share with you. I started looking again for more info today having seen the ad again for the first time in a long time.

I learned last Fall from a Google Groups post that it was composed exclusively for the commercial by Hest & Kramer, a Minneapolis music production house:


You can go to that site and listen to samples of their tracks. I didn't find the Blue Eyes track but did hear a couple that were close to it in the Electronic & Dance / Ambient & Chill genre section. There are many other genres listed, so if you find it there, please let me know! From their Home page you'll find the sample tracks player off the Library link, and you can also see one of the companion Buick Enclave ads in their Spots section. I've been tempted to email them for more info on Blue Eyes as I'd love to get my hands on a full length version of the soundtrack to listen to!
I originally posted my inquiry about the Buick Enclave ad in Aug of 07. I checked back and thankfully found this post. The song haunts me as well.

I emailed Hest and Kramer asking if there was a chance for a cd or itunes release of the "blue eyes" Buick music + other offerings. I'll keep you posted. :-)
Hest and Kramer informed me that they did not produce the music for the Buick "blue eyes" ad. Apparently there are many request for the music so they forwarded the inquiry to the ad agency that did produce the music.

(Hest and Kramer didn't tell me the ad agency probably due to confidentiality reasons)
Hey thanks Chuckd! Good looing out. Man I dig that beat. That's the problem with ads these days, the beats are getting sicker but they keep making them in-house at all these ad agencies. These peeps all need to put out cd's for the Jeeps.
Originally posted by deezoman@Jul 3 2008, 05:55 PM
they keep making them in-house at all these ad agencies. These peeps all need to put out cd's for the Jeeps.
I'm sure there is some agreement that prevents the ad agencies from making $$$$ from the music they produce for their clients.

Too bad because sites like this suggest there is $$$$ to be made.

I'll keep looking. B)