Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

And TRUE! Cause he was a dick.

Hahah Punxsutawney Phil is driving the truck! :lol:
you know i'm at home by myself.. and it smells like someoen is baking a pizza or something :blink: :unsure:
i dont like phillip the potato mongrel
he stole my fresh apple pie
it was a good pie, it had a good crust because it was made with lard and it wasnt storebought because if you buy storebought it gets all flaky when you cook it.
on second thought it was a tort it was very delicious, until that rat bastard phillip took it and ran. man if i had a gun i would kill phillip and i would be the coolest guy and everyonewould love me...
Originally posted by Enyone@Jun 6 2005, 11:49 AM
you know i'm at home by myself.. and it smells like someoen is baking a pizza or something :blink: :unsure:
Heh heh. Smells like pizza. :naughty:
Why is it that you can never find a pair of pliers when you need them?
:lol: :lol: No, I was trying to make earrings for my friend. :lol: Although... :shifty: I am free this weekend. :devil:
My husband took my jewelry pliers and TORQUED a stubborn BOLT with them, and now they're all chewed up and they ruin the wire I make jewelry with and AUGHH!! Boys are so STUPID! :annoyed:
That's so neat. I wish I could make jewelry but I don't really think I'd be very good at it. :P
Originally posted by dascoot@Jun 7 2005, 06:49 PM
My husband took my jewelry pliers and TORQUED a stubborn BOLT with them, and now they're all chewed up and they ruin the wire I make jewelry with and AUGHH!! Boys are so STUPID! :annoyed:
:o That deserves a whack to the back of the head!
Originally posted by dascoot@Jun 7 2005, 04:18 PM
With a mighty toaster? :naughty:
What'll we cook 'coon with? :(

I can't eat 'coon tarts cold. :angry:
Originally posted by dascoot@Jun 7 2005, 07:22 PM
Crockpot! :)
Wait a second, what the hell am I saying? Boy cook your funky racoon at yer OWN house!