Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

That's so cute.

We called em fuh-jie-tuhs when I was a kid too, but that was just cause it sounded like vaginas so that made it funny. All we got were eyerolls though.

Is that the newest in the line of Random Jesse Blurts?
I swear, I put vesicle but then I thought, "That doesn't sound right." Apparently, I was right in the first place...
My ex-fiancee wanted to start a band and call it Vas Deferens and they'd play Weird Al/Tenacious D-esque comedy rock.

weird name

good thing you didnt marry him or else you would have married a vas deferens


not really funny
Originally posted by manintights89@Jun 6 2005, 02:11 PM
good thing you didnt marry him or else you would have married a vas deferens
More accurately I'd've married a DICK.