Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

How do you sign an apology note? Sincerely, or just use your name? :unsure:
Either, I'd expect. But really there's no apology needed, you know I like it when you do that thing. :naughty:
Someone just started working with a jackhammer right outside my front door. :!@#$:
ZOMG I just bought soo much good crap at Target and now I gotta hide it before the old man wakes up. :ph34r:
Um.. my sweet taste buds just randomly stopped working. Is that a sign of something I should be worried about? :blink:
Originally posted by dascoot@Feb 24 2007, 03:58 PM
ZOMG I just bought soo much good crap at Target and now I gotta hide it before the old man wakes up. :ph34r:
:heart: random crap. What'd ya get? :naughty:
Originally posted by givemfitz@Feb 24 2007, 10:16 PM
Zee Frawnsh Woolmarrt

Oh man I got.. ok I got a quilt ($80, on sale for $15), 400 count sheets ($70, on sale for $17), a clock ($25 on sale for $5), a throw pillow ($30 on sale for $6), some mud mask ($20 on sale for $5).. I basically raided the clearance aisles.. Target clearances are like little orgasms for the soul. :heart: