Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

there was a bad accident down the street where i live.
this police car broadsided another car as the car was turning down the street.
the police was driving way over the speed limit without his siren or lights flashing.
the lady and her daughter in the car that had been hit were bleeding and i was told by the cop to help them out of the car because he thought that it may be leaking gas.
later that night on the news, they said that the police officer was in pursuit of to pickup trucks drag racing.
there were no pickup trucks, i saw the whole thing.
the police department is covering it up.
so the blood that i had on me was that of the little girl.
i can't seem to get the sound of her crying out of my head.
it sucks.
yeah, she was just scared.
i feel bad for her.
i stuck around with her until the paramedics showed up, they didn't want to tell me, but i kept asking if she was going to be alright.
they said yes, she just had a cut on her forehead.
it seemed worse than it was, i guess.
Yeah head wounds bleed like a motherfucker. I'm glad they were ok.

:) @ you
this has been the worst week of my life.
first, one of the betties passed away and since she had no family, they asked if i would help with the funeral arrangements.
second, my friend's father passed away from a drug overdose.
and now this accident.
i seriously don't think i can take anymore bad news.
i apologize ahead of time if i seem down.
Hmm then I'll keep my bad news to myself. :ph34r:

Sorry bout your week. I lost a patient too, though I wasn't that close to her. Still sucks. When is/was the funeral?
sarah's funeral was yesterday.
my friend's father's is tomorrow.
i just received some good news, the little girl was admitted to the hospital where my mother works and she just called me and told me that the little girl's doing fine.
she also said that when she told the little girl that she was my mother, she asked to see me, so i'm heading to the hospital right now to see how she's doing.
i think i'll buy her a stuffed bear at the gift shop.
girls like those, right?
oh, by the way, her name is becca.
there's an investigation going on now and the news reporter who did the story works at best buy with me so i'm going to tell him what i saw and hopefully the lady won't be ticketed like they are saying she is going to be.
becca is doing fine.
and she loved the stuffed tiger i gave her, according to her, it's her school mascot.
*ticker tape parade* :woo:

Yeah tigers are way cooler than bears any day.
i'm just glad that becca and her mother are fine and weren't seriously hurt.