Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

Originally posted by leone@Apr 25 2006, 12:28 PM
Anyone know what the size difference between shoe size and figure skate size is?
Or does it depend on the brand? :unsure:
hel-LO captain random~! i love it.
Originally posted by dascoot@Apr 25 2006, 07:46 PM
Email, voice mail or text message?
uhhhh voice~! are you working tonight or are you staying home to play with all of us weird kids?
I'm home tonight!! :woo:

I checked the answering machine and all I got is that tardbag that keeps faxing me, so I assume you mean my cell but it's charging because it died before I even got to work last night. <_<
last time i checked, texas was still part of the united states, right?
then why do people not understand what i am saying to them.
today we had that final fantasy movie released and before 12, we were sold out.
this guy comes up to me and asks if we have any left.
i tell him sorry and that we are sold out.
for the next five minutes he kept repeating, "sold out? it's sold out?"
it was like his brain could not grasp the concept of something being sold out.
then i had this girl come in looking for an anime.
we had the movie, but she wanted the one that included an art box and we hadn't received that one yet.
i tell her this and she lets out a loud sigh and says,"yeah, i can see that."
she then turns around slowly and walks off with her head hanging.
next came "the inspector", a guy who comes in every other day and closely inspects every dvd we have in stock.
seriously, this guy holds the dvd up to his face and looks at the shrink wrap on the box.
he never buys them, he just looks at them.
i seriously need to move away from here.
Uh, I was just wondering, where did Nabeel go? (4swrds) He has been around for a few weeks. :unsure:
You weren't informed cause I ain't your bitch, and you can't see the emails because of all the smack we talk about you. :)