Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

Originally posted by a_iver@Apr 5 2006, 08:31 PM
It was neither, really. I think somehow one/a bunch of the system files got corrupted when I tried to force restart it recently. The problem was when it started up, all I got was a grey screen, and it wouldn't go away. I put in the utility/installation disc and I hit the repair button, and it freaked out and said that the volume could not be repaired, and that the task was terminated and some other messages. I went on Apple.com and went through the support crapola, and tried it all, but no luck. Fortunately I had another partition with a slightly earlier version of the OS on it, and when I tried to open the icon for the other partition it turned white, and then closed.. Later I ended up restarting and trying again and it worked. And now I'm backing up all my stuff to an external hard drive praying that my computer doesn't crash because there's only 87 MB of free space that I'm running on, while I think the OS requres 2GB. Two hours left though, and it's been running for three so I think I'll be ok. I'll just have to erase the old disk when i'm done and reinstall, and hopefully it will work ok. Wheww

Good! B) I'd hate to have my music lost. I use my company's backup system to make sure that never happens... :shifty: ^_^
Someone tried to file a claim against me but eBay dropped it because the woman was batshit crazy.

I gotta go to work now though so I'll read it tonight.
I tried to buy a book back in February. It never came and the seller never responded to my emails so I filed a claim in March. Two days ago, I get an email from the seller asking if I ever got the item. Then a few hours later I get one from the Half.com claim department saying that I should get refunded within 72 hours. Finally, I get another email from the seller yesterday, saying that she'll refund me. Now did Half notify her that I filed a claim and that's what they meant by refund in 72 hours or am I getting two refunds? Do I email the seller and tell her about the email from Half.com?:unsure: This is the first time I've filed so I have no clue.
Originally posted by leone@Apr 6 2006, 12:55 PM
I tried to buy a book back in February. It never came and the seller never responded to my emails so I filed a claim in March. Two days ago, I get an email from the seller asking if I ever got the item. Then a few hours later I get one from the Half.com claim department saying that I should get refunded within 72 hours. Finally, I get another email from the seller yesterday, saying that she'll refund me. Now did Half notify her that I filed a claim and that's what they meant by refund in 72 hours or am I getting two refunds? Do I email the seller and tell her about the email from Half.com?:unsure: This is the first time I've filed so I have no clue.
The timing of the seller's email is suspicious, especially since she never responded to your original emails. ebay might have informed her of your claim, so she's now trying to avoid a black mark on her.

I'd say deal directly with half.com. Ignore the seller.
okay, this may not be the best one, but it does include another screaming old lady.
so that has to be a plus, don't you think?
anyway, we have this guy who is a regular.
he comes in at least twice a week, sometimes more.
he also happens to work at a pizza hut near the store (stick with me on this one, it will make sense in the end).
so he comes in to work today and he's wearing a new pizza hut shirt that happens to be the exact same shade of blue as our shirts.
this lady approaches him and asks if he could help her.
he didn't know what to say so he just stood there.
the lady yells out, "CAN YOU HELP ME OR NOT?"
he tells her in a calm voice that he doesn't work there.
i had been in the next aisle over and could hear everything going on, but i had to wait until i was done with the customer that i had.
i go to help the lady out and as i get ther i tell the guy hello
she asks me if i know im and i tell her yes that he's a regular.
she starts screaming about how he was rude to her and that he didn't try to help her.
i told her that he doesn't work here and i pointed at the pizza hut logo on his shirt and then pointed at the best buy logo on mine.
she still couldn't grasp the concept of two businesses having the same colored shirt.
well, she left and told my manager that i was rude to her.
my manager didn't believe her because he heard everything and when he called her out on it, she got even more mad and left.

now i must ask you something.
if you saw someone holding a stack of cds, a stack so large that i had to use my chin to prevent it from falling over, and three other employees were standing around doing nothing.
would you approach me and ask for help looking for a dvd?
a lady did and when i walked her over to the dvd, she asked me to hand it to her.
i told her that at this particular state in time, that was physically impossible.
she then acted surprise that i had a stack of cds in my arms and asked again where the dvd was at.
i told her that it was the one i was tapping with my foot since that was the only part of my body that i could still move.
she then made a face because she had to bend down to pick it up from the lowest shelf.
i walked off.
what would you have done?
Okay. First.. :lol: @ me picturing you pointing at the pizza hut logo and then the best buy logo.

Second: I would have done the same thing in that situation. :)
Or, you could do as I and PURPOSELY walk into CVS or Walgreens wearing my Rite Aid coat or smock, and try to help people...
Yeah, but like they give a fuck. The employees do, though.

Once, I went to CVS with my friends, and they started asking me questions in front of the CVS employees, and I started helping them.

That was before I was asked to leave... <_<