Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

:lol: I love when they pan over and you can see Lincoln layin on the mat in front of the balcony, just chillin.. :lol: :lol:
:lol: I loved that too. Did you see that skit they did on Wednesday(?) where Conan is talking to "Max's mom" and explaining how to get tickets for the Chicago show? :lol:
Originally posted by sketchyrx@Mar 31 2006, 11:09 PM
I found the Star Wars video on iFilm but it won't play! :!@#$:
iFilm sucks, it crashes my firefox everytime.
ladies and gentlemen, it's time for another one of sickboy's best buy stories.
so dim the lights and quiet the children, let's begin.
i've seen some pretty disgusting things while woking at best buy, like a kid who pissed his pants because he didn't want to stop playing the xbox 360.
or the many toothpicks and sunflower seed shells left behind by customers too lazy to make it to a trash bin.
and then there's my favorite, the chewing gum saboteur.
this person goes and sticks a freshly chewed piece of gum between two dvds/cds/video games, thus cementing them together.
today, though, topped all of that.
it seems someone decided to leave behind their toenail clippings.
and it wasn't in just one spot, but rather sprinkled throughout the department.
it felt like an easter egg hunt, minus the easter and the eggs replaced with toenails.
too bad the vaccuum didn't work.
i love my job.
it seems someone decided to leave behind their toenail clippings.
and it wasn't in just one spot, but rather sprinkled throughout the department.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

That's fucking disgusting!!!
when i saw it, i pictured that scene from shawshank redemption when tim robbins is sneaking out the dirt and dumping it out of his pant leg
^ :lol:

Are you sure it was toe nails? Maybe the person bites their finger nails and was just spitting it out. Not that it's much better, but it's a little easier to explain.

Leone: No I missed it!! Hopefully by the end of next week they'll have me on a weekends-only schedule so I won't miss my stories no more. :leela:
Your story is amusing. I should share some of my work stories. Like the diarrhea covered thong someone left in a beer glass last weekend. Or the what at first I thought was the felt cartridge from a red felt tipped marker, but turned out to be a gigantic bloody tampon.... in my tips jar. Ahh, I <3 my job.
Originally posted by rewep@Apr 2 2006, 10:20 AM
Your story is amusing. I should share some of my work stories. Like the diarrhea covered thong someone left in a beer glass last weekend. Or the what at first I thought was the felt cartridge from a red felt tipped marker, but turned out to be a gigantic bloody tampon.... in my tips jar. Ahh, I <3 my job.
:sick: :unsure: Oh. My. God. :lol:
if they were finger nails then someone has a giant thumb.
but like you said, i don't think either way is good.
you should have seen the way i looked when i had to pick them up, head to toe bio suit.
not really, but i did have on gloves, a dust mask and goggles (just in case one of those puppies made a break for it towards my face)
and i used these tweezer looking things.
speaking of uncontrollable bowel movements, we have had four (that's right, i said four) separate incidents where someone shat themselves while in our store while walking around shopping, and these were adults.
no telling how many kids have done this.
one lady told us after it happened that she just had an enima and i guess she needed a cd to go with it.
Originally posted by rewep@Apr 2 2006, 10:20 AM
Your story is amusing. I should share some of my work stories. Like the diarrhea covered thong someone left in a beer glass last weekend. Or the what at first I thought was the felt cartridge from a red felt tipped marker, but turned out to be a gigantic bloody tampon.... in my tips jar. Ahh, I <3 my job.
:huh: :eek: :sick: :sick:
I got an extremely comfortable pair of Merrel's and some Ecco boots. We also bought some really good olives. I love olives :wub:
I know!!! :wub:

I had about 10-12 of em with my dinner :blush:
...but they were so GOOD!! :wub:
Originally posted by a_iver@Apr 2 2006, 11:37 PM
I know!!! :wub:

I had about 10-12 of em with my dinner :blush:
...but they were so GOOD!! :wub:
^ Anthony will be taking a massive dump here pretty soon himself.