Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

Yeah that's my favorite part too, listening to them talk. My grandparents all died before I could really get to know them so I'm sorta tryin to make up for it now.
my grandmother hates me, so i was sort of adopted by all of the ladies at the home.
Originally posted by sickboy@Apr 7 2006, 04:23 PM
i know what you mean, dascoot.
i used to volunteer at a nursing home and sometimes the family are complete assholes.
i can't volunteer there all the time now since i now work full-time plus other volunteer work.
as of right now, they don't need any volunteers, but as soon as they do, i'll go back.
Originally posted by dascoot@Apr 7 2006, 05:20 PM
are you sad because of my grandmother or because i was adopted by the nursing home betty crew (they gave themselves that name, by the way, i had nothing to do with it)?
or is it for something that doesn't even pertain to me?
it's a funny story on how they started to refer to themselves as the betties.
susie has a granddaughter who listens to the donnas and i had to explain to her that they really didn't have the same first name (donna f, donna a).
she thought it would be funny if they all started to call themselves betty, but they have it as their last name.
so it's susie betty, martha betty, sara betty, and my favorite, betty betty.
they really are funny ladies.
Well I got a call from Emily my former roommate to go and look a wedding dresses and walk around the mall for a while. Then I went out to Point Defiance Park for a LOOOOONNNGG walk. Then its home to get ready for Grandpa's. We watched to Sonics win a great game against the Suns. Now here. Nice to be back here. :D
That's sounds nice! As you know, I had church early mornin, and I could barely keep my head up...I think I was snorin too, anyways, afterwards we went out for brunch at Jaspers...in Takoma Park then I later I swung by my aunt's house for some family time. Got home, took a much needed nap, then watched some Charmed. Now, I'm on here!
hhhhhnnn Takoma Park you say? I think all Sundays should be family day. I do declare or HBO day.
Originally posted by dascoot@Apr 7 2006, 01:45 PM
:( But she's ok right? You give her lots of hugs when she gets out, people like you are angels. I see so many people abandon their family members when they get old and sick and last night a woman at my assisted living facility had to die alone because her family couldn't be bothered to stay late even though they knew she was on a death watch.

Bah, anyway. *shaking off* :lol: @ blurry pictures of the back of Toby's head
Yep, she's good. She came home Friday evening. She has really bad arthitis in her neck and she had a really bad attack and I took her to the ER instead of listening to her complain about it anymore (we should have gone in weeks ago). Anyway, she was scheduled for a nerve block shot for Friday anyway so they admitted her so that they could keep an eye on her until then. They did routine blood work and found that her sodium was low so that was another thing to watch. She got her shot Friday afternoon and now she feels great.

*still working on Toby pics, he's not very entertaining at the moment. Too much sleeping. :lol:*
I'm sorry. I hope she is doing better now though. No rush on the pictures, just whenever you get a chance. :)
just got off work about an hour ago and all i can say is now i know why we were voted the second dumbest city in america.
this city is full of idiots!


1. Fort Wayne, Ind.
2. Corpus Christi, Texas
3. Laredo, Texas
4. Las Vegas
5. Newark

and i should know, they all shop at best buy!
:lol: If it makes you feel any better I think Oklahoma has the worst roads. I know, I know. Completely different but they are pretty damn bad.
this is how dumb people are in this great city of mine (well it's not actually my city, but you know what i mean), we have about four or five streets that are extremely busy.
during rush hour, they can get backed up with traffic so much that at the intersections, even though you have a green light, you still have to wait because people on the other intersecting street decide that they are gonna try and beat the light only to get caught in the middle of the intersection with nowhere to go until the people in front of them start to move again, and that's not even the dumb part.
the dumb part is that the city has decided to do construction work on these streets reducing them from a four lane to a two lane, and the construction has nothing to do with the street itself.
they are replacing a perfectly new sidewalk with a newer sidewalk with slopes at the ends.
because they have money to spend.
on top of this, i had the dumbest people at work today.
first of all, this guy walks up to me and begins to ask me a question when he stops in the middle of asking, looks at my shirt and shakes his head and walks away.
i stood there for a minute wondering what the hell was going on and he comes back to me and starts asking the same question again.
then this other guy starts yelling at me because i didn't know which controller would work with a software title that we don't sell and the guys at store where he did buy it at had no clue either.
he then goes on about how he has a list of which ones will work, but it's at his house.
so i say,"how the hell am i suppose to know about a game we don't carry and the store that does has no clue either, and you have the list already at your house?
go home, look at the list and then CALL before coming back to see if we carry any of the controllers that are listed.
and do not ask to speak to someone in media, ask for computers.
good day, and i'm taking my fifteen minute break."
So I felt sick this morning and I didnt go to class. I ended up sleeping 11 hours. I still dont feel that great.