No one home..

I haven't checked YTMND in a long time. I'll go check it now. Which one did you give a 4?
I'm very confused...I uploaded Can't Stop The Rock when I created the site...And now it's a song about the Hulk...???...I reuploaded it and it's still a song about the Hulk. Very Confusing indeed.
Originally posted by Space Cataz@Mar 18 2006, 07:10 PM
Nothing. This is the thread to post in when there is no one home. Like at 2 am pacific time. :ph34r:
See now's the time it's 12:30 am and there's 4 members and 1 anon and I've been looking for this Bjork song for about 3 hours.
I've heard this Anna Nalick song before, but for some reason it took til tonight to click in my head like Favorite Songs do at that moment when you realize that the song was written about you. The best part is "Cause these words are my diary screaming out loud, and I know that you'll use them however you want to" because that's exactly what I've done. :)
Originally posted by dascoot@Mar 19 2006, 12:43 AM
at that moment when you realize that the song was written about you.
I feel that way about a few songs. Some just grab you and scream in your face that way.
I find it interesting I'm the only person here, signed in etc... since this is the "no one home" place to be!! :wacko:
I'm signed in, I'm just imbisdable.

Wooo you can't see meee.. *wiggling hands in front of your face*
ok so that didn't work. I don't want to say this b/c it might belong in the dumbest things people say thread but I thought it would stay the same way when I put it up there. But someone else signed on and screwed it up.
Ohhhhh.. well it went to the front of the forum instead, not the main page.. but you could taken a screen shot! Then we'd have proof that you really are talking to yourself. :)
My doctor already has all the proof he needs. I'm going into Western State soon enough.
Originally posted by dascoot@Mar 19 2006, 02:21 AM
Ohhhhh.. well it went to the front of the forum instead, not the main page.. but you could taken a screen shot! Then we'd have proof that you really are talking to yourself. :)