No one home..

Originally posted by Bloodlessr+Mar 29 2006, 02:39 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Bloodlessr @ Mar 29 2006, 02:39 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Hahah, omg, thats why I'm polite to customer service people. [/b]

Yeah me too, never fuck with people that handle your food or money.

Originally posted by Rhonda@
Like did Melissa's drive-thru guy go to McDonald's before that and yell at them, then leave to go pick up his precription from Walgreens only to bitch them out as well, then went to the dry cleaners and bitched them out and just cause he couldn't get enough, he had to swing by the bank just to make sure that one more person had a shitty day because of him?
That might be, but I'm guessing it's the ripple effect. I bet he's not an ass all the time, I bet someone treated him like shit at his work and so he took it out on the first stranger he came across. I do the Pay It Forward thing cause I'm a dirty hippie. Like when the waitress is really rude and forgets to bring my Dr. Pepper, I leave her a HUGE tip and hope it brightens her day enough to make her be nice to the rest of her customers.


But's it just something I guess they have to prove in order to not look like an complete ass at the end of it all.[/quote]
Right? People hate looking stupid, even in front of strangers, so they'll fight and fight to save face even when they know they're in the wrong. And I'm fairly certain most of these people realize it's their own fault and that's why they're so angry. If they were really convinced it was the other person's fault they'd probably be more patient, like they were explaining something to a stupid child.
Oh I can so relate. Back in my first or second year at fleet farm (department store) i was doing the cashier thing, helping some old farmer guy. He was buying rat poison and candy. Here in wisconsin (maybe other places too) for certain items people buy, we are required to ask if they work on a farm for a living, and if they do, we have them fill out some tax exemption sheet, which makes it so they don't have to pay taxes. Such is the case with the rat poison. I ask him, and he responds "yes" so i pull out a tax exemption sheet as usual. He shot me a grumpy stare and said "What's this all about?" I explained it to him, and showed him what to fill out. He grumbled something like "You people always make things so difficult" I didn't know what to say and just kind of nodded and half-smiled. I continued checking his stuff out and he payed for it and i started bagging.

I was taught by management to bag chemicals and food seperately just in case one of them leaked, but I'm not totally rigid.. i like to give the customer the choice, even though it's common sense. So I said "Would you like me to bag them seperately?" Apparently I somehow offended him with that statement. He frowned and said "Wha-WHY?" I said "Well I just figured maybe it would be better to the two seperate just in case" "What?? I've been buying the two together for several years now and I've NEVER had a problem!" I nodded and finished bagging. He continued "I've been doing this before you were born and I look fine don't I?" He was indeed very ugly and old and I tried not to laugh. He then said "Wha.. what's that I hear?? I think your mommy's calling.. you better run home for dinner now" I said "EXCUSE ME???" He said "Your MOMMY'S calling you better head home" And thusly I began my ex-career hating farmers. <_<
Aww, don't hate on farmers. They have a hard life. He was just a crabby old man that didn't understand and instantly got upset because he didn't understand. Lots of people are like that unfortunately and they usually do tend to be older. <_<

Some of my customers will get mad when they don't understand which I really don't get cause to me, if someone asks me a question I don't understand I just simply tell them that I don't understand and ask them to explain it. But some people just instantly get mad for no reason and rather than just explaining that they don't understand the usually say some that's a little snide and a lot stupid. :)
Hehe yup. :)

And I didn't quite hate them, I just kind of dreaded them. There's a lot of nice farmers out there too. I am glad I'm done with retail though
I understand though. Most of them are stubborn and unwilling to try anything new. haha. I can only say this from experience cause I grew up on a farm and although he is not on one now, you can't take the farmer out of my dad.
There are no farmer's where I live. Only city peeps. So I'm pretty much ignorant to that. And I probally would have said something far worse then you because of that. Though, he isn't as bad as the people here in customer service.
/places a mattress in the middle of the room to absorb all the echos
*sigh* Anthony, did you get your hands on the sugar again? :P
Stop it! I'm making cookies with that sugar! *tastes cookie dough*
*mom tone of voice* Carefully, they're hot! Would you like milk?
I made some pasta dish I saw on the Food Network and it was ok while hot but I guess I really needed to get the recipe first. I just saw 10 minutes of fun in the kitchen at 5am. I'm not awake at that hour... :unsure:
Originally posted by sketchyrx@Mar 31 2006, 11:19 PM
I made some pasta dish I saw on the Food Network and it was ok while hot but I guess I really needed to get the recipe first. I just saw 10 minutes of fun in the kitchen at 5am. I'm not awake at that hour... :unsure:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I think I need one of your Snickers/sneakers. I'll just take some chocolate before I go to bed.
Can I have one on my pillow too? Like at the hotel? *thanks chocolate, it melts in your mouth,not in your hand*
Sure babes ;) *placing chocolates on E's pillow*

Okay, my mind just inverted on that last part... :lol: melt's in your mouth :naughty:

you can't say stuff like that when I'm around :lol: