No one home..

Woah buddy! Before we come to any hasty decisions I gotsta check my glove compartment. I may have shrunk them.
Originally posted by dascoot@Mar 28 2006, 11:31 PM
I'm spending my first night in 5 days on my ass.
Melissa! Shame on you, purchasing another man of the evening!
Originally posted by a_iver@Mar 28 2006, 11:32 PM
Woah buddy! Before we come to any hasty decisions I gotsta check my glove compartment. I may have shrunk them.
Yeah but prolly not.
Originally posted by a_iver+Mar 28 2006, 11:34 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (a_iver @ Mar 28 2006, 11:34 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-dascoot@Mar 28 2006, 11:31 PM
I'm spending my first night in 5 days on my ass.
Melissa! Shame on you, purchasing another man of the evening! [/b][/quote]
That would be "on my back". You suck at insults.

And the only guy I gotta pay for sex is the one that I live with so suck it.
Originally posted by dascoot+Mar 28 2006, 11:35 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dascoot @ Mar 28 2006, 11:35 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-a_iver@Mar 28 2006, 11:32 PM
Woah buddy! Before we come to any hasty decisions I gotsta check my glove compartment. I may have shrunk them.
Yeah but prolly not. [/b][/quote]
Originally posted by dascoot@Mar 28 2006, 11:36 PM
blah blah... you suck at insults ...blah blah sex sex blah blah... so suck it.
I suck at life :(
I suck at word choice. Ahh well I never claimed to have an extensive vocabulary.
How I Lost My Job at Walgreens (just for Andy) by Erin:

I was working in the pharmacy like always with the one pharmacist who always gives me trouble. I have to beg him to help me, assist at the counter when a customer is there or the drive thru. fucking drive thru lazy ass people unless they really are SICK AND CAN'T WALK IN. Anyway we process satellite orders for rehab facilities or places like where Melissa works ( assisted living ). They will only order if they don't have enough medication until their regular supply comes in.

We receive faxed orders from a third party who arranges the pick up and delivery and payment of services ( the cost of the drugs and cabbie). I got a fax at about 11:10 pm and I told the lady at third party 12 b/c there were like 7 drugs on there. Mind you they only order 2 or 3 pills per drug but still its time consuming.

The cabbie shows up in the drive thru and I see him out of the corner of my eye. I'm helping the counter people and the pharmacist is helping the drive thru. We have 2 lanes in DT. I rush over to the order and begin to type it into the computer as fast as I can. The pharmacist is trying to help as best he can now. After about 5 minutes I go over and apologize to the cabbie its not done yet and he starts yelling about how we always treat them like shit and we always do this ( are late ). Then he speeds off. I'm left holding the phone. I don't like it when people swear at me when I'm at work. I was about to have a 3year old's tantrum. So instead I said "That's it! I've had it!" and I left. I went to my car and I was just going to leave but I saw him in the side parking lot and I confronted him. It devolved into "FUCK YOU!" "NO!FUCKYOU!""NOMOTHERFUCKYOU!" I was fired.
I just wanted to tell the story..Now I sit here almost every day and talk to you. I'm not as angry anymore.
Wow, Erin. Fucking assholes. I hate people like that so much.

Occassionally, I leave my lab and help them in pharmacy. Of all the front-end people they want helping, they prefer me. I've had to deal with my fair share of dick heads. Why don't they understand that their meds may not be done yet because, oh, the pharmacist has to make sure they're okay so they don't die? Or, because there are about three billion other assholes that are sick, or even sicker.

Fuck people. :)

Well, my day starts in about three hours, so I should go to bed...

Good night.
I'd been having a really hard time at work so I was just waiting to see if they would fire me. Very passive aggressive. I just couldn't make the decision on my own. I felt trapped. I think I pushed the situation on purpose to force their hand and they did exactly what I wanted them do to. But know that I've been out of work for 2 months I realize it was so stupid. I just didn't think I could take another day. All my friends still work there and they say the same stuff happens every day.