No one home..

Originally posted by andy@Mar 29 2006, 12:06 AM
Why don't they understand that their meds may not be done yet because, oh, the pharmacist has to make sure they're okay so they don't die?
That was always my thing. . If you go to Barnes and Noble and rush the check out, you won't die because you bought a crappy book. But rush the pharmacist and literally you could die. And don't think it doesn't happen. We make more mistakes than you would care to know.
Originally posted by Bloodlessr@Mar 29 2006, 12:08 AM
Or you could just get a better job.
At the time I was really wanting to do it but I felt trapped in the situation. I had rent and bills and it's been 2 months of looking for a better job. I haven't found it yet.
Damn, you can work for me. Can you do background web development, maintainence, design, and database work?
Of course, I have to look up almost everything computer related in to understand what some people are saying here. BTW have you LOOKED at myspace?? I know what I'm doing. My payscale is $14.00/hr, 40hrs/wk, no wkends, all holidays off, 1 month paid vac., and an excellent health benefits package. Oh willing to relocate to Hawaii.
Grounds for lawsuit: It wasn't in the employee handbook.
It was actually, I just never gave you one, because I never hired you. I'm calling security.

Btw, I'm going to bed, good night. :)


*escapes guards*
And it's back to relative quietness here at the adtunes forums. world domination has been thwarted and all is well....
Erin your drive thru story reminded me of when I first started working at the Bank Of America (Barnett at the time) building in downtown Orlando.

They were training me in the drive thru and so I was still going a little slow, and this was the lunch break when every asshole that works downtown decides to rush to the bank. We were packed, all three tellers were swamped, all 5 lanes were at least 4 cars deep, and this guy sent the tube through without endorsing his check.

So I got on the speaker and told him I was sending it back, would he please sign? He got it and beeped me, bitching that I didn't send him a pen. Granted I shoulda sent one just in case, but he never asked for one.. so whatever. I call the tube back, send him a pen, he signs it and sends it back.

By now I'm with someone else, so he had to wait a minute. Then I get his tube and see that he's written me a little note that says "I have never endorsed my checks here for as long as I've banked with Barnett, now deposit this into checking like I asked." Something FANTASTICALLY assy like that.

I showed my co-worker, who got on the horn and told him "Sir, we're sending the check back, just PLEASE sign it." And the guy's like "Who are YOU? I was talking to a girl, are you all talking about me in there??" Co-worker says "No sir, the girl you were talking to is in training and I'm helping her out."

Tube's sent back, guy can be heard cussin and carrying on, speaker gets turned off, eyes roll inside the drive-thru.

I get busy again and his tube has to wait when it's sent back. I finally get to him and I'm processing the transaction when he beeps me and asks what the hold up is. I apologize and say I'm doing his check right now. He starts screaming about how all these cars have driven off in the time it took me to work on him and calling me a stupid bitch and BLAH BLAH BLAH.

Finally I'm pissed off enough to confront him (through the glass and from a distance, I'm a lover not a fighter) and say "SIR DO YOU SEE ALL THESE PEOPLE SURROUNDING YOU? THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE TO WAIT BECAUSE YOU REFUSE TO COMPLY WITH OUR ENDORSEMENT POLICIES."

So he asked for the manager, who got on the horn and basically said "We're sorry for this whole thing but you are not welcome here if you're going to harass our employees," something like that but, you know, very Managementesque. Politely told him to fuck off.

So the guy gets his receipt out of the tube that I've sent back by now, and goes to replace the tube when he thinks better of it, opens his door and neatly places the tube on the curb next to the vacuum thingy. Then drives off and gives me the bird through the glass.

I had started crying while he was screaming at the manager but then when he did that I cracked up laughing. It's like something my 5 year old nephew would do. Like "HMPH! Now you have to come and get it, ha!" :rolleyes: :lol:
OMG :lol: We've had people so pissed off that they forget they have the tube in the car and tear out of the DT. Also people who drop it and then run it over (several times) with their car. I also was helping someone in the second DT and I asked her to come over to the first one after something that pissed her off. Instead of pulling forward and around she backed up in her new shiny car and hit the pretty yellow concrete pole thingy HARD. I couldn't hardly believe it. I was laughing but she couldn't see me. Then when she came around I asked her if her car was alright.... :lol:
Ohhhh those things! Hahah we always called em The Dildos. My mom scraped a dildo once, pulling into a Checkers drive-thru. :ph34r:
Originally posted by dascoot@Mar 29 2006, 12:40 AM
Tube's sent back, guy can be heard cussin and carrying on, speaker gets turned off, eyes roll inside the drive-thru.

Usually when customers misbehaved in our drivethru and then the next person comes along they say "You handled that so well" or "I feel so bad for you" OR I've had people honk at the person for being assy or get out of their car and try to start shit right there. All the techs say that these people need to take their medication BEFORE they come to the pharmacy. :) We like to turn off the speaker and talk amongst ourselves and sometimes the customers at the counter because sometimes THEY can hear/see what's going on. I think that's why I ultimately made such a bad choice in cussing out the cabbie. I can't work in a drive thru or a 24 hour place again. The bad customers are unbelievable rude/ignorant/smelly/drunk/have their blood on the prescriptions/stare at you the whole time. I'll have to put up the top 30 things not to do in a pharmacy. I'll be back tomorrow for that..
Unfortunately people just completely suck. And it really doesn't matter what business you are in either. If you deal with people then you have to deal with these people. It really makes me wonder to. Like for example, do these people just wander around and shit on others all the time? Like did Melissa's drive-thru guy go to McDonald's before that and yell at them, then leave to go pick up his precription from Walgreens only to bitch them out as well, then went to the dry cleaners and bitched them out and just cause he couldn't get enough, he had to swing by the bank just to make sure that one more person had a shitty day because of him? What makes these people feel like they are so special that they are better than everyone else? Shit happens, and if I'm in the bank drive thru and they are slammed and it takes a little while for them to help me then fine, I understand. And I also understand that if I would get off my lazy ass and actually walk into the place then I would probably get out of there faster.
Ooh, why didn't I see this? Well, people are asshole', and they will alway's be asshole's as long as your in customer service. Especially dealing with food and medicine. And I get every angle of it at working being a projectionist, concessionist, cashier, and usher. There's always some stupid issue. They think that everytime there's a problem anywhere or anytime it's automatically YOUR fault, (even though I wasn't no where near the occurance), and you're not doing your job right and...oh hear's the tinger, "I would like to see your manager!" The manager will tell them the goddamn same thing! But's it just something I guess they have to prove in order to not look like an complete ass at the end of it all. I hate people.
And here's a news flash! For those of you that call a company and then bitch out the poor person that answers the phone and then ask to speak with their manager! The actual managers usually do not know how to do the job at all and so what happens is the person you just bitched out turns around and says "who wants to play manager? I have this asshole on the phone that just bitched me out and then asked to speak with my manager." Then what happens is someone that has done the job long enough to make them a sick twisted freak that gets some sort of pleasure taking the manager calls and speaking to the customer like they are a child gets on the phone takes the call while everyone else listens in and laughs their ass off at the customer on the other end of the phone. And that's not counting the the ones that get on the call and jack-up he customer's account in some way.