
Originally posted by ravyn@Sep 12 2005, 11:05 PM
So does that mean your taking back all of your frequent flyer miles from me?
Will it shut you up?
As you stated before Mel, everyone is entitled to post their opinions, and the little attacks/insults on me were childish. You and I have not seen eye to eye on some things, but I still respect your opinion, never do I attack you.


A Child
oh by the way, I liked Nixon alot too, I happened to be living in DC back then. Liked Carter, Like Reagan
Originally posted by ravyn@Sep 12 2005, 08:27 PM
As you stated before Mel, everyone is entitled to post their opinions, and the little attacks/insults on me were childish. You and I have not seen eye to eye on some things, but I still respect your opinion, never do I attack you.


A Child
Where exactly did I attack you? :unsure:
Originally posted by givemfitz+Sep 12 2005, 08:39 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (givemfitz @ Sep 12 2005, 08:39 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-ravyn@Sep 12 2005, 08:27 PM
As you stated before Mel, everyone is entitled to post their opinions, and the little attacks/insults on me were childish. You and I have not seen eye to eye on some things, but I still respect your opinion, never do I attack you.


A Child
Where exactly did I attack you? :unsure: [/b][/quote]
Hmmmm. No response. :rolleyes:

So far I've refrained from calling you a mindless anything, an idiot, or a child. So far you're the only one that has hurled insults. A typical ploy of anyone lacking any kind of constructive rebutal.
By the way. What you're attempting to do is called projecting in psychological circles. It won't work here for two reasons. Everything that we've both said is in black and white and everyone here can read. ;)
Originally posted by givemfitz+Sep 12 2005, 08:04 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (givemfitz @ Sep 12 2005, 08:04 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by givemfitz@Sep 12 2005, 08:39 PM
@Sep 12 2005, 08:27 PM
As you stated before Mel, everyone is entitled to post their opinions, and the little attacks/insults on me were childish. You and I have not seen eye to eye on some things, but I still respect your opinion, never do I attack you.


A Child

Where exactly did I attack you? :unsure:
Hmmmm. No response. :rolleyes:

So far I've refrained from calling you a mindless anything, an idiot, or a child. So far you're the only one that has hurled insults. A typical ploy of anyone with any kind iof constructive rebutal.
By the way. What you're attempting to do is called projecting in psychological circles. It won't work here for two reasons. Everything that we've both said is in black and white and everyone here can read. ;) [/b][/quote]
check... your move ravyn..
I decided to edit this out, you are not worth it. I dont comment to you because you have not even met a medium on which you can even begin to exchange with me.

When you have worked 114 hours straight, for an unappreciative group of people such as your self with little or no sleep, people complaining at you because they dont have running water, hot coffee, green or black power (obviously you would not know what that is without looking it up), dunkin donuts, food or whatever ails them, When you have plundered into a deep muddy hole, and pulled out a lifeless child and had to hand that limp body over to the grieving mother, when you have placed a dead grandmother who was obviously trying to save a 4 month old infant in her arms in a body bag, when you are obviously trying to save an elderly dying person, and can see their face, the hopeless despair, when they are under tons of concrete, and you cant get them out, or the danger is too great for your safety, and you have to let them die, knowing you can do nothing, then I will comment to you.

Otherwise dont talk about my organization. You know nothing about it, other then your mindless, empty opinions of which you know have no real experience medium of exchange or even concrete true facts, other then what you read, or saw on the media.

When you have been there, and done it, then we will talk. Otherwise shut the hell up. Child.

You know when we went to Akamul after hurricane Roxanne, and Cozumel, the difference was amazing to us. Instead of bitching that we did not do enough, or they dont have hot coffee, they just smiled, and grabbed the other end of the broken board.

I wish I was going, but not everyone gets to go every time, this time I have duty, so I get to stay behind.

Come walk a mile in our shoes, then your little "everyone can read it here smart ass remark", would have meaning to me.

Otherwise it is like you, empty. :duh:
Once again you hurl insults and then call me a child in practically the same breath. Once again you miss the mark with unfailing consistency.

I grew up in ground zero of this catastrophe. I am a Camille survivor. A storm every bit as devastating as Katrina with one exception. That is that it missed New Orleans by a hair. I haven't had the luxury of coming in after the fact and patting myself on the back for doing my job. I've lived the storms and their aftermath. I've recovered and helped to identify the bodies of classmates and nieghbors as as far back as my 11th year on this globe.

I was also in The Dalles, Oregon when Mt St. Helens blew and as a California native have experienced countless earthquakes. Two of them major. I've been through five storms total the worst of which was Camille. In every case help arrived within 48 hours or less. If people are unappreciative and angry it's because like me they are old hands at this and know what is supposed to happen and that it didn't.

My brothers and I are now the proud owners of five vacant lots in Slidell La. right across the lake from New Orleans. Before the storm there were five families living in homes on these properties. My brothers and I got help in there in under 36 hours. Where was your mismanaged organization?

If it's so damn difficult for FEMA to act why are there already national guard troops in the Carolinas? Could it be because the powers that be know how badly they dropped the ball on Katrina and don't dare risk more attention to themselves? And I mean all the powers. Not just FEMA. I know that there is red tape but I find it amazing how quickly that tape can be cut to save some political asses any more embarrasment. God forbid anyone might think of doing the same thing just to save lives.

If there is no blame to be laid then why is the Bush appointee, Mike Brown, no longer in charge of FEMA having been replaced by Chief Paulison. Someone with years of experience in rescue and relief that knows WTF he's doing? I happen to know that there was a mass exodus at FEMA soon after it was made part of Homeland Security and a Bush buddy was put in charge. I also know that those that left were people with years of experience in relief work. The kind of people that were needed here and were in very short supply compared to past efforts.

I know that there are still many hard working dedicated people at FEMA and that they are not to blame. Like most government employees they are reduced to the role of mushroom. That is to say that they are fed bullshit and kept in the dark. I don't blame any of the ground troops for this. This was a mismanagement fiasco pure and simple and therein lies the blame. Mismanagement at every Government level.

I applaud your past deeds and anything positive that you may have done in the current relief effort but in truth the fact that you haven't been in these things before or during and only arrive after as an outsider offering help makes you the one who is unqualified to speak to me until you've walked a few miles in the shoes of the survivors of these things. Helping out afterwards is admirable but hardly compares with repeated ground zero first hand experiences.

I could go on and on about just how badly you've put both of your feet in your mouth by taking me to task over my lack of experience and knowledge but I'll just leave off by making sure that you know I was doing the very things that you say I have no knowledge of long before you were born. Several long time members here can attest to the fact that I've spoken of these things periodically in the past and am making none of this up. So much for my knowledge coming from only what I've seen on the news. In short I have more first hand knowledge of these things than you do. I've been through what these people are going through enough times to be uniquely qualified to comment on just how badly the relief effort was bungled on this one.
grow up, I dont even need to talk about surviving. I dont need to discuss loss with you, nor even offer my history, you cant even fit into these shoes

911 ring a bell, whatever I was there, yeah lost my mother to it,
so byte me.
You know what? You're an asshole.

What makes your loss worse than that of others? What makes your experiences more meaningful causing you to think that you are the last word on these things? You keep attacking what I have to say and all you do is put your foot in your mouth. You effed up taking me on on this one because you had no idea to whom you were speaking and you throw your dead mother in as a trump card. How arrogant to think that no one else knows anything about these things.

Sorry for your loss but really. What an asshole.
Whatever. I am sorry for your loss of land, and your losses period. The only asshole is the one in the mirror.

I dont think your losses are in less tragic then mind, I just wish you would focus all your energy on what is happening, versus oh look at high and mighty me, government sux, I suck, etc..

We are working as hard as we can, and I greive for all of the loss of life and property over there. Please pull a dead body, then we will talk. Otherwise stop.
Oh and I truly feel sorrow for you in any past storms and whatever catarophic events in your life, I find them equal or double of mine, I have lived through 7 myself 2 at ground zero, so how do you comment on that which you know not?

I am glad you got those families help. I am actually grateful and indebted to you as a relief worker. Good for you and God Bless you and your brother for your actions and help. I hope everyone gets help over there.

I continue to ask if I can go, but I have to stay here as local support, some one has to man the towers as they say. Someone has to keep watch

By the way, Please dont speak about my mother in that way EVER, she deserves better. She was an Angel of Mercy while she was here.

Not a trump card, just letting you know I had losses too. I had two close friends in Katrina, have not heard from them yet, so I pray for them too.
As I've said. I've recovered the bodies and help to stack and identify them. We did it as a survivor with no resources but our bare hands. These people were friends and family to us.
I don't wish to slight the efforts of any who offer help. My posts aren't directed at them. They are directed at those in charge.
I just want you to understand that when you call me a child and say do this or do that and then we'll talk that you are speaking to someone that has been there and done that. When you keep insulting me and have still failed to point out where it is that I supposedly originally insulted you. You're being an asshole.