
I am sorry I did not get exactly technical on my exact words, was just pondering as you went on long and well about Nixon. SO I will be specific this time. Two articles of impeachment. First accusing him of perjuy, second obstruction of justice. I am not slamming him, just wondering what ya'll think about that. I had this discussion a while back with a friend, was interesting to me, thats all.

Yes he was impeached, and yes Fitz is right, he was not removed from office.

Just for conversation fun, my friends take his name actually is Guy by the way (not my point of view so dont yell at me) as he put every president exercises his presidential rod, Clinton just got caught with his that is all.

Interesting point of view.

He did not comment on Whitewater at all.
I agree with your friend. I believe it's always gone on with just about every President. (Kennedy :rolleyes: ) I believe that the Republicans used 1000 miles of track to try and railroad Clinton over a 6 inch indiscretion. :P
I also believe he lied and got away with it but I have heard many many others with the same views that Clinton says he has about what is and isn't sex. So who knows?
My personal view is that WTF business does Congress or anyone else have even asking what anyone did as far as their sex life goes? Including the President.
He should have said, "F@#K YOU that's between my wife and I and how dare you even ask." Then flipped them off and walked out.
But I guess that wouldn't be very Presidential. :P
Yeah, it's not really the public's business to know about his sex life. I just don't like the fact that he lied but the whole thing was pretty stupid. I guess the majority of people want a President with this perfect happy "leave it to beaver" kind of family in the whitehouse but the truth is that most all familys have some sort of disfunction and none of them are perfect.
Originally posted by givemfitz@Sep 16 2005, 06:41 AM
I agree with your friend. I believe it's always gone on with just about every President. (Kennedy :rolleyes: ) I believe that the Republicans used 1000 miles of track to try and railroad Clinton over a 6 inch indiscretion. :P
I also believe he lied and got away with it but I have heard many many others with the same views that Clinton says he has about what is and isn't sex. So who knows?
My personal view is that WTF business does Congress or anyone else have even asking what anyone did as far as their sex life goes? Including the President.
He should have said, "F@#K YOU that's between my wife and I and how dare you even ask." Then flipped them off and walked out.
But I guess that wouldn't be very Presidential. :P

Yeah I read somewhere Lincoln had quite a harem too. (did I spell that right, sorry not gonna look it up).

I often wondered WTF his sex life is anyone's business, supposedly they both have lots of sex appeal. I dont care what anyone thinks, I personally think they were both pretty hot (Monica, Paula) I would not complain about either personally.

Hey they got rich off it too, hell I screw him if it will make me that rich too.... :lol: