Honda Civic Hybrid "Mix"


Per Michelle's suggestion, I emailed J. Ralph and got a very satisfying response (Michelle:

========= REQUEST =========
From: Gene
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 13:16:14 -0500
To: "J. Ralph" <me(at)>
Subject: Re: Honda Hybrid


Love Music to Mauzner By, but had an unrelated question. I wanted to know if the song from the Honda Hybrid commercial with the mixed paint and the two turntables was yours. If so, can we get a copy somewhere? It's such a great tune, but we only get to hear a few seconds of it.


========= RESPONSE =========

From: me(at)
Subject: Re: Honda Hybrid
Date: December 1, 2004 2:50:40 PM EST

I did do that. It should be available sometime in the future.


So - I guess we'll have to wait a bit for it - but it looks like it's going to be a complete tune! Hope everyone can rest a little easier now.

- Gene
So, does this response from J. Ralph answer the ad in question on this thread?
J. Ralph is great and Music to Mauzner By is a very cool CD. I too emailed him when searching for songs in VW and other commercials. He kindly replied and suggested his material would be released sometime soon. It's going to be a packed released as he did clips for 3 VW commercials alone. Although, one of those "One Million Miles Away" is untitled on his last release. Keep us informed if anyone learns of these bits from Honda and VW commercials being released.
well, whoever finds out about the release it! I certainly will if I do...I *thought* i was the only one totally crazy about this sing...clearly I have found out I'm not!
I’ve spent months trying to find out what that background music is.

It’s possible that it’s an original piece created by the agency, but I doubt it. It’s too good.

The TV commercial is for the 2005 Honda Civic Hybrid.

Since this Civic runs on both gas and electricity, the visual theme of the ad shows various other 'hybrids' that occur in nature: A white horse and a brown horse create a spotted pony. A bee pollinates a white flower and a red flower to create a pink flower. A blue-eyed man and a brown-eyed woman create a green-eyed child. Finally, the screen is filled with the trunk of the Civic Hybrid.

The background music is GUITAR and PIANO only. No vocals. No lyrics. The music is haunting and beautiful and I’d love to know who it is.

If you can help, please post. Thanks!!!
I have a copy of the Honda-hybrid commercial but can't post anywhere.. I can send a copy if you're interested.
Originally posted by haze1123@Dec 29 2004, 02:16 PM
I’ve spent months trying to find out what that background music is.

It’s possible that it’s an original piece created by the agency, but I doubt it. It’s too good.

The TV commercial is for the 2005 Honda Civic Hybrid.

Since this Civic runs on both gas and electricity, the visual theme of the ad shows various other 'hybrids' that occur in nature: A white horse and a brown horse create a spotted pony. A bee pollinates a white flower and a red flower to create a pink flower. A blue-eyed man and a brown-eyed woman create a green-eyed child. Finally, the screen is filled with the trunk of the Civic Hybrid.

The background music is GUITAR and PIANO only. No vocals. No lyrics. The music is haunting and beautiful and I’d love to know who it is.

If you can help, please post. Thanks!!!
the person right above just said its by j. ralph and its not available yet, but will be soon...
No, not yet......I email J. Ralph and asked him when he thought it would be released and he replied "this year". Just going to have to wait, but its worth it!
After a little digging, I found J. Ralph's commercial website

Check it out. He and The Rumor Mill create music for a slew of ads. The Honda Hybrid ad is on this site too, click on The Reel and you will see the ad after a few others.

I'd like to extend a sincere thank you to all who participated in finding out this information. I thought I was nuts spending an hour searching the web for this song. But it seems a few of you have gone to greater lengths.

It sure is an intriguing melody, lookig forward to J. Ralph's release.

Thanks again.
Im wondering if anyone knows the name of the song/group that does the jingle for the Honda Hybrid commercial- it shows things mixing together...i.e. chocolate and vanilla ice cream seperated then together and swirled, a donkey and horse make a mule?, and blue eyes and brown eyes mixing in the babies eyes. thank you!
it actually starts with a couple guitar chords, then goes to the nice piano part...
WOW! walruss2 Thanks for finding J. Ralph's commercial website! I LOVE J. Ralph and am not surprised that that Hybrid music is his! Had no clue....but I'm not surprised!!!

How can Honda get away with not giving credit to the musicians in their commercials though? They are saying that they are original pieces?? Made by who? Them? are they serious? At least Volkswagon posts their music on the site and gives credit where credit is due!

It IS Honda..right?? never really paid attention to the car itself at all..just listen to the music! :rolleyes:
It starts off with someone not seen mixing pait blue and yellow and only a guitar and piano can be heard in the backround (and the guitar and piano are all throught the song) then there are two turn tables, then two soft serve ice cream dispensers (Vanilla and Chocolate) and some kid holding up the ice cream swirled together in a cone then a red flower and a white one with a bee going from the red one to the white one then theres just a shot of a pink flower then two horses one white one brown (the white on the left the brown on the right) the a shot of a white horse with two black spots then a shot of blues eyes and then brown eyes
then a shot of a face with kinda green and slightly brown toward the pupil eyes then it goes to a shot of the right tail light with the HYBRID emblem seen then a shot of the car then a male voice says "The Perfect mix of fule efficentcy and preformance, the civic hybrid from honda.
well, i was looking at another forum topic on this song and apparently a lot has been discovered. the song was composed by a guy named Josh Ralph, otherwise known as J. Ralph. if you go to you can see the company he has worked with to create many really great commercials, including other honda commercials and volkswagen commercials. there's a clip at this website that shows a bunch of these commercials. as far as any release of these songs on cd, some people have been e-mailing J. Ralph and he says he will be coming out with something this year. hope this is helpful.
I e-mailed the company that worked with J. Ralph on this commercial at info(at) and they said that it's on his album The Illusionary Movements of Geraldine and Nazu, but I looked on iTunes and that's definitely not right. They said that album would be available on May 1st at Barnes and Noble, but all this information doesn't really fit. I'm waiting for a straight answer. I'll post as soon as I hear anything. If anyone else knows anything that'd be great as well.