Honda Civic Hybrid "Mix"

AT&T Wireless offers a service, powered by MusicPhone, which will listen and then Text Message you the title and artist of what you are listening to. Try it! You get 1 free try, and it's $.99 for every try after that. Anyone know what channels it is being shown on now? Because I haven't seen it on in a few days.
i've seen it on my local WB affiliate when i watch the simpsons at 6 and 7. hope is growing dim for finding out the name of that damn song...
I saw it on FOX tonight as well. I'm just going to Tivo fox again tonight for a couple of hours, like from 8pm-1am and scan through it. If it comes on, I am going to use my AT&T thing and call #43 and see that will identify the song
Well everyone, it came on today and I had it on Tivo!!! So I played it back for my AT&T Musicphone #43 feature, and first it came back as "reiputa" by Lisa Gerrard. However, when I looked it up on iTunes, the song does not sound that same.
Hm... I checked out "reiputa"... that can't be it...

Btw that link is really awesome... I trimmed out the voice and looped it for now :)
I think I found it! It is the beginning of Dylan's KNOCKING ON HEAVEN'S DOOR. Go to iTunes and check it out. Clearly it's not from the original recording, but I think it's taken from the song. Let me know what you think.

I have way too much time on my hands...
Actually..I think the guitar in this song is taken from a song called 'Snowblind' by the band Fudge. They put an album out called "The Ferocious Rhythm of Precise Laziness".

...Even if it isn't, it's a great song that everyone should check out anyhow :P
Check this may be a bit out there goes...
Imagine the ad exec, sitting in front of his G5...a tune pops to mind...what is it? I know it!...I must USE it! He opens garage band...just to tinker...just to play...he translates the tune...simply...minimalistically...boom...there it emotional rollercoaster in a spot...what IS that tune?... I'll tell you what it is...That's Why They Call it the Blues-Elton John...check it out and let me know if I'm just nuts or what?...
A friend of a friend did some research, and here's what she came up with:

Well I talked to the people at RPA and they told me they had 3 hybrid commercials out there, all with original music. 2 were composed by Josh Ralph who goes by J. Ralph he has an album or two out. He also was also put on the map by getting a song on a Volkswagon commercial that was pretty popular. The third commercial was also original music done by HUM  but I don’t know who it was composed by.

I'm going to try and describe the commercial in more detail and see if we can't get more specific - but it does look like a custom piece of music that's not likely to appear on an album anytime soon - and it looks like J. Ralph is the responsible party. That said, I've re-constituted it in Garageband and should have some thing I can post in a few days.

We don't allow file sharing of songs. I don't think the original composer would appreciate you copying their song in garageband and passing it out.

Try emailing J Ralph and asking him if he did the music -- he's a nice guy and will probably answer you telling you which ad his music is in.
Originally posted by glewtion@Nov 30 2004, 02:28 PM
The third commercial was also original music done by HUM  but I don’t know who it was composed by.
This is not the commercial you are asking about, but after looking at the web site -- there is a great song in the Honda Civic "Beach" commercial. I emailed them to ask what it is -- I wrote:

Hi Debbie,

Great work you guys do. I'm a commercial photographer and I know it
takes a lot of work to put together photo shoots -- commercials are a
much larger scale.

The question I have is who did & what is the music for the Honda "Beach"
commercial -- In the REEL section on your website - 9th square from the
left in the Music section.

~ it's the one where the guy is walking along distracted by the girls
playing volleyball and he walks into the car -- it's great music and I'd
like to buy the cd if it's available.

I'll post their reply if I get one, unless someone else recognizes the song & artist.

I did a bit of searching the web -- the song is Ocean Man by WEEN.
Originally posted by Twix@Nov 30 2004, 05:40 PM
~ it's the one where the guy is walking along distracted by the girls
playing volleyball and he walks into the car -- it's great music and I'd
like to buy the cd if it's available.
Isn't that song "Ocean Man" by Ween -- as mentioned here.
i emailed honda about the song and they sent a reply that said the song was called "Primal Scream" and its by a band called Loaded. i havent checked it out yet but thats what i heard...
or maybe it was "Loaded" by Primal Scream. not quite sure.