CSI Miami Season 4

Yeah great song. I'm looking for it too.
Done some searching, but nothing so far.

It kinda sounded indie, like Coldplay or Without Gravity.
I do have lyrics, what I heard was

"I know she'll find her place in heaven
Well you tell me to be strong
(something I didn't catch)
save a place to rest our souls..."
Anyone know this? In CSI Miami, the episode Prey which was on tonight, in the scene in the park where they are gathering evidence and the sprinklers come on, sort of a Dead Can Dance sounding Dance-mix song, but I don't think it was them. Anyone know who that was?
Me too...

I thought the lyrics also mentioned something about "clouds"
Here's some more of the lyrics "the winds / blowin strong / and the clouds coming in / to tears in the night / Love in the wind / I know she finds her place in.." "embracing the pain that she's in / will you tell me to be strong / save a place to rest our souls"

Any ideas????????
Ugh - there seems to be one page on the entire internet that *might* have the lyrics, but the page no longer exists....but when you search, you can still get pieces of it that show up in the seach engine...this is what I have so far...

I *think* it is called "Save Us All" by Jeff Austin Black...

She cries, cries
But her hearts givin' in
She tries, tries
But the walls never give.
In the end her place in heaven
Is closer to the place than she's in
Will you tell me to be strong

And that love will save us all
Save a place to rest our souls
Hi ^_^

Apparently this song was played in the episode but I don't know if it's the one you're looking for:

Jeff Austin Black - Save Us All

~ Mia ~
Thanks Mia, I tried to check it out, but I have trouble streaming. I went on iTunes to see if they had it there, since you can edit your browser preferences and prebuffer, that works great for slow computers like mine (lol) but they don't have him. What I heard, sort of disjointedly, of the clip of music on the site, didn't sound quite right. But it's hard to tell when it keeps skipping. But I don't think that's it. Thank you so much anyway. But from what I could hear I liked!(very much!) I may look for him on Amazon. But, I still don't know who sang the other song...
Does anybody know the title and/or artist to the song that was played in the opening scene on CSI Miami on Monday (Oct 3) Episode: Prey. Thanks!!

Some of the lyrics in the chorus I remember was:

..........daily races
Going Nowhere
Going Nowhere
Those lyrics sound like "Mad World" by Gary Jules

You can hear a clip here, track 12.
This may sound silly, but what song is played on the CSI Miami intro every episode?
You know what's funny, I belong there, too, but I seem to spend more time on here. I've had pretty good luck here! I didn't see that on there, but maybe I was just too quick. (It's been know to be a fault of mine.)
Ok thanks a lot! :D

The song from the start of CSI: Miami 4x03, "Prey" (0:10-2:00) is really great, but I don't know it.

Some keywords that a friend of mine revealed: control, let's rock/roll, trust your life, trust yourself, we control, come through, take control, gonna fall.

Can anyone help me?

Many thanks.