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Hello all.

Me name is Robin Doak.

Im from Belfast N.Ireland

I am 17 years old

and i'm a games tester for EA Games

Also i am a A+ & N+ Student for PC and Network Engineering

If you want to know anything els about me just Send me a PM lol

C Ya
Ireland! :woo:

Soo Robin = boy or Robin = girl?

Either way welcome. :)
is that ur own website on ur profile?
i like that u like half-life.
EA Sports is overrated.

send me a N. Ireland soccer jersey and i'll love you as much as Erika :ph34r: .
Ok then you book me a flight.. I'll bring all my keepsakes from the jedis I've killed
hello there!

I usually come, drop a few posts then disappear for another month. You'll grow to either love me or forget me.

Also, i'm four years old. Don't judge me.
Originally posted by jamie d@Aug 22 2005, 07:29 PM
hello there!

I usually come, drop a few posts then disappear for another month. You'll grow to either love me or forget me.

Also, i'm four years old. Don't judge me.
You've been four for quite some time now...