They're like 20 butts up at Wal :) Mart.

edit cause my smiley trick didn't work
Yeah but then you get all the eBay con artists tryin to charge you $10 shipping when it costs them $3.85 so ya wind up paying more in the long run.
haha ye then the delivery guys are always so vague about when theyre coming and then they charge you even more because you werent home when they came. bastards!
:o Nuh uh, they charge you if you're not home?

That sounds like when I call the cable company for some maintenance: "A technician will be there on Tuesday between 8 am and 6 pm."

Yeah thanks. <_<
i think they have spies...its all scam, an effin conspiracy. thats how they make some cash man. seriously, hehe.
hahaha, i love how you put little faces on every single comment. oh and thanks for commenting on my pics, hehe...those were soooo pity comments :]
Originally posted by dascoot@May 11 2005, 02:23 PM
:o Nuh uh, they charge you if you're not home?

That sounds like when I call the cable company for some maintenance: "A technician will be there on Tuesday between 8 am and 6 pm."

Yeah thanks. <_<
Yes, so you sit on the couch until 5:47pm and then you have to get up to go pee and the doorbell rings mid-stream so you rush to get to the door (mind you this only takes like 1 minute) but you find a note saying that they were here but there was no answer and you have to call their customer service, sit on hold for like 45 min and reschedule and take another day off of work so you can sit there and wait all day again.

How's that for a run-on sentence? :lol:
I think Steph's the only other person besides me since I can't get anyone else to add me either.. that or everyone hates me and doesn't wanna be my friend. :cry:
i dunno. there are too many pretty people on myspace.
my friend and i signed up last month to try and promote our comic.
Originally posted by ALDR123456789N@May 12 2005, 02:52 PM
i dunno. there are too many pretty people on myspace.
That's what I'm screamin, not a single sub-gorgeous person.. it's all very suspicious.

The comic, is that those two pictures you have up there? You got any others?