
  1. N

    AT&T Cingular

    AT&T Cingular Does anyone know the title and artist of the new piano song used in the AT&T commercial? The commercial has various scenes, but the word "ondacom" is typed out over and over again in each scene. Thanks!
  2. C

    AT&T Cingular 2007

    AT&T Cingular 2007 Hi, I'm just wondering about a song that played during the 07' Masters At&t/Cingular commercials. To be honest though, I'm pretty sure the song was made just commercial, so even a link to the commercial would be amazing, and that's just what I've been looking for, and I...
  3. B


    AT&T hi, i was wondering who the group was in the AT&T commercial during America's Got Talent on June 26.
  4. P


    AT&T The commercial has a band on stage playing (I believe the band only consists of a girl on keyboards and a guy on drums). Song has "on a holiday" and the word "famous" in the lyrics. Camera pulls out to reveal the image is on a phone which is where the Oasis at&t theme comes in. My...
  5. 1

    AT&T Blackberry Curve

    Saw a commercial (aired during Hannity and Colmes on Fox News) for AT&T Blackberry Curve with a catchy song in it. I am not 100% certain, but the song could be sung by a female or a group with female vocalist. The commercial came and went so fast that I did not catch any of the lyrics...
  6. S

    AT&T "Celebrate"

    There is a at&t commercial talking about the internet speed and it shows a motorbike speeding away, and bullet train, a person running, and race cars speeding around the track does anyone know the song, i thought it was kasabian at first but it is not
  7. mariaconfetti

    AT&T we are building a new company

    AT&T we are building a new company There's a new AT&T commercial that starts with a TV and then turns into different electronic equipment like cell phones, regular phones etc. It says that they are building a new company and that they are providing broadband, cellular etc What's the song?
  8. D

    AT&T Cingular Sync

    I don't have any specifics because I just heard it and caught the end but it is an AT&T commercial and it might have something with downloading music because they showed a cell phone and laptop at the end... My first thought was Oh Montreal... it has a whistling tune. If I see it again, I'll...
  9. E

    AT&T Cingular

    AT&T Cingular I am watching the Bears /Saints game and there was a song playing with an AT & T and Cingular commericial that I like and have been trying to locate. I've also heard it on the radio, but can't find it in iTunes because I don't know the title. It starts out, "East coast, west coast...
  10. J

    AT&T "It's Amazing"

    AT&T "It's Amazing" Hello Everyone...thank goodness I found this fourm..... I saw this AT&T commercial the other day and the song playing in the backround....male singing...."it's amazing" very Massive Attack sounding. I only saw the commercial a couple of times so I hope I am not...
  11. Maquiladora

    Cingular Motorola SLVR with iTunes

    I just saw the newest Cingular/AT&T commercial for the new Moto SLVR iTunes phone. There was an awesome song playing - sort of reminds me of the Bodyrockers or some UK rock band of some sort. Anyone have any idea who that is or where I could find out who that is? I've found most of the music in...
  12. M

    AT&T and SBC

    AT&T and SBC What's the name of the song playing in the new at&t -sbc merging commercial?
  13. K

    AT&T Cingular

    AT&T Cingular There is a new ad and for the life of me I can't remember the title...something about "Take a Load off????" It's new commercial and I need HELP!!!!
  14. M

    AT&T Micheal Phelps

    AT&T Micheal Phelps i just saw this AT&T commercial were this guys phone is going dead and he's next to a pool and he thinks water is in his ear it was a decent song please i'd also like a link to the commercial to please :D
  15. R

    AT&T morphing faces

    A friend who is a radio DJ in Iowa tells me that there is a new AT&T ad which shows people's faces morphing into one another and that the song in the background is "Come Together" by Primal Scream. Check here No sample though. So I present this to the experts. Anyone concur with the DJ from...
  16. J

    AT&T piano recital

    Anyone know the music from that AT&T commercial with the woman on the bus listening to that beautiful piano piece her son is playing?
  17. P

    AT&T "I'm an idiot"

    AT&T "I'm an idiot" Anyone know if the new AT&T wireless commercial's music is an original composition for the ad or something else? This is the ad where a caucasian guy goes into his gorgeous (imagine that, on tv) asian wife's meeting at work after angering her for some reason and holds up...
  18. A


    Anyone knows the song in AT&T commercial? The one with somethings like "shall we talk..." Thanks!! :roll: