what are you thinking right now?

Originally posted by Enyone@Sep 9 2005, 11:03 AM
They really have those?
Silly girl, ain't you never heard of Lamaze classes?

Right on @ massages!! :eek:k:
Hells yeah, especially cause I had just worked all day and my hubby rarely gives me masages anyway. :leela:
<---- massage machine :)

I'm not really a machine though. ^_^
One time I gave a girl a massage for a little less than an hour. She fell asleep twice :p
Originally posted by a_iver@Sep 9 2005, 03:59 PM
One time I gave a girl a massage for a little less than an hour. She fell asleep twice :p
:lol: You mean your cousin?
yesh. my cousin. I thought maybe some people here wouldn't understand. But I'm really good friends with my cousins. So yeah it wasn't like a GIRL girl, just a cousin girl. I feel all embarresed and stupid and stuff now. :p

But I like giving massages :)
Originally posted by Enyone@Sep 9 2005, 02:09 PM
:) I need a maasage
Have you checked your maasages Clouseau? :p ;)

I don't expect many to get that. :rolleyes: :lol:
does yer dog bite?
heere little doggy... owww!!! I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOUR DOG DID NOT BITE!!!
that's not my dog
:lol: :lol:

Professor Auguste Balls: When duty calls...you've got balls!
I'm officially a sports junkie. I've been flipping between college football games, the Us Open, and baseball all day. I've just been holding the remote all friggin day long.

Okay, I think it's going to be Agassi and Federer in the finals and I love them both and have no idea who to route for. :unsure:

Edit cause it will be Agassi and Federer in the finals now.