what are you thinking right now?

Originally posted by dascoot+Sep 4 2005, 06:40 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dascoot @ Sep 4 2005, 06:40 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-goldengloves88@Sep 4 2005, 10:13 PM
what i am thinking right now is that i would love to go to Louisiana and beat the ever living shit of the looders and the ass holes that are raping the women there. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
Or! How bout we beat the ever living shit of the asshole rapists and leave the looters alone since all they're stealing is food and clothes to keep their families alive. [/b][/quote]
ko, but the assholes whom stole the medical supplies will have to be punished. some of my friends have nicknamed me the punisher.. i like it.. :D
Originally posted by goldengloves88@Sep 5 2005, 04:13 AM
what i am thinking right now is that i would love to go to Louisiana and beat the ever living shit of the ass holes that are raping the women there. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
:angry: can i join? hell, why stop in louisiana?
I have no compassion for the looters because I don't believe all they are stealing is food and supplies. I can see the reasoning behind taking things like food and that but I have heard many accounts of people houses (if they weren't totally destroyed) getting robbed and the robbers didn't take food. Like I said, I have no compassion. :mellow:
I'm thinking that people sometimes cannot see their own face in a mirror let alone the bigger picture. I'm thinking of how annoying it is to those of us who have experienced natural disaster on a grand scale that we must endure the opinions of those who've probably never experienced anything worse than changing a flat tire in the rain. <_<
I suppose. :rolleyes:

But if I did live in Louisiana I would have left before it hit hard and if I came back and my house had been robbed of everything I would be pretty fucking pissed.
You assume everyone can leave. Suppose you were on welfare or disability or had some other hardship and it was the end of the month when all your monthly allotment is always well past spent and you have no car. And I haven't seen a single newsreel of anyone stealing anything other than essentials. Not saying that the other shit doesn't happen. Always has and always will and yeah those who loot for profit suck. But they are honestly a tiny minority. It annoys me that they are all being painted with such a wide brush.
Nothing like pointing a finger at the victims to get your mind off of the fact that our Federal Govt can't find their collective asses with both hands. ;) But that's ok. They like sheep. Sheep keep them in office. <_<
im gonna post some comments from people on another board not particularly cuz it's usefeull but cuz im bored:

Originally posted by "Goodpart"+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE ("Goodpart")</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Heh. National disgrace?

No... this is a national disgrace. This is a national disgrace.

I despise Bush as much as the next guy but damn it, it's not even about politics anymore. He's toying with lives and yet he and his constituants are too concerned with patting each other on the back and focusing on the positives than actually getting off their collective ass and doing something about it.

People are -dying- and the politicians and media over there are turning it into a fluffy humanitarian crisis. It's just wrong.[/b]

Originally posted by "Dreana"+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE ("Dreana")</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>LoL...

"Third World America"... We're so full of ourselves, that when something like this comes along, we fail to act. Even the president, whom I dislike, admitted failure. The funniest (or ironic) part of the drama, is that the levees weren't a new issue. Politicians knew they were going to break years beforehand. Catastrophic disasters like this may happen once in 100 years, but when it does, you need to be prepared. Death tolls indicate how utterly unprepared, and sluggish our bureaucracy truly is. Furtherly, hundreds of countries - even Fidel Castro - have promised aid. Bush declined every offer.

Surely America can handle their own problems and everyone else's. Flirting with death is a dangerous game. Someone might just die.[/b]

</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE ("Goodpart")</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin-"Dreana"
Politicians knew they were going to break years beforehand. Catastrophic disasters like this may happen once in 100 years, but when it does, you need to be prepared.[/quote]
Ironically, Bush was quoted as saying "nobody anticipated the breach of the levees".

Sad, no?[/b][/quote]


There was zero initiative from the government - it was all reactive. Only after the hurricane tore the city apart did they bother to take action, and far as I know their definition of "action" consists of "shoot to kill".

Alright, time to throw the other side into this mix.

1. Many things were done BEFORE Katrina hit the mainland... exactly three days before. Transportation was provided to many that didn't have the means to get out themselves. (Granted this did not take in effect the elderly that couldn't get to the transportation sites) A shelter was set up for those that didn't want to get out of the city, though I don't understand that reasoning at all. Possessions are great, but family and life are more important than any friggin couch.

2. You talk about all the homeless and *almost chuckles* people that were waiting for a friggin paycheck.
Alot more were living on paycheques week to week, and payday was (I believe) the day after the hurricane hit..
What was that comment *lol goody* A hurricane is comming that could put us underwater.. oh no dear.. we can't move.. we have to wait for our paycheck? (again if they didn't have the funds, they had some means available to them)

3. Many of the people that stayed, are thugs. NOT ALL, but many... I mean they started looting as soon as they could get outside, survial.. I would say so if it were just grocery stores they were looting, but Oh wait, yeah.. I can see where the TV's might be needed WITHOUT power. They stayed to benefit themselves.

4. Some rescue workers were ready to go late in the day after the storm hit. But low and behold, they were shot at.
Only after the hurricane tore the city apart did they bother to take action, and far as I know their definition of "action" consists of "shoot to kill".
I tell you what, a female national guardsmen in a helicopter was shot trying to evacuate people from a rooftop, and people that came from other states with thier personal boats to help get people out were also fired upon. Now, people that really need help are being left till the area is secured. Hell what about the poor firemen that were trying to do thier job and taken hostage! I am abit more extreme, but I would of declared martial law, that has NOT been done. So, shoot to kill, no hon.. is not in effect.

5. There were rapes and beatings taking place inside the dome. I mean, what are we really talking here. I feel for the people that got trapped or left behind, but I have no feelings at all for those that stayed cause they wanted to, against all the warnings, and now have made it hard for the honest people that are trapped to get any relief.

Well, that is what I have to say on that matter. I have watched this progress from the day it said it was going to hit New Orleans.

Please dont take this as I feel everyone left got what they deserved, because I know there were some left from unfortunate circumstances, but thousands that are there made the choice to stay, against all the warnings they received.

long post i know...
Originally posted by dascoot+Sep 4 2005, 09:40 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dascoot @ Sep 4 2005, 09:40 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-goldengloves88@Sep 4 2005, 10:13 PM
what i am thinking right now is that i would love to go to Louisiana and beat the ever living shit of the looders and the ass holes that are raping the women there. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
Or! How bout we beat the ever living shit of the asshole rapists and leave the looters alone since all they're stealing is food and clothes to keep their families alive. [/b][/quote]
Yes, and the looters that robbed the Foot locker??? Lots of food in there I'm sure. There are tons of people looting for food and water yes, those are not the ones causing problems. The ones causing problems are the thugs that think they are now running the city and can do whatever the hell they want. A good example would be when some of them tried to hijack an ambulance that was sent to transport deathly ill people to another hospital or the ones that are shooting at the help that is trying to come in. :2cents:
*Sigh* I almost wish anyone that doesn't think shoes are necessary could change places with the people down there.
Again I will explain. Your house is flooded with water that is 50% mud and silt and God knows what all. When the water recedes all that crap is left behind. In your dresser, your closet, your bed.....EVERYWHERE. Everything you owned is covered with mud and there is no way to wash it. By the time there is a way to clean anything it's just ruined and not worth the effort. Footlocker is one of the first places I would hit. I'd make sure I had a few pair of shoes over and above pants. If you step on anything in that filth you're fucked.
It's hunter gatherer mentality down there. If you see someone with their arms loaded it's probably because there are others in just as much need where they came from. They probably wish that they could carry more. It's not like they can sell the stuff. No one has any money to speak of and any food that starts showing up is free so you don't need anything to barter with for that.
Once again. There are assholes in every situation of this nature from looters to people raising the price of gasoline because they can.
The real story should be the 99% of people who are doing the right thing. Helping one another out. I can tell you from personal experience that by and large that is the majority. ESPECIALLY in the South but pretty much everywhere I've ever seen tradgedy. ;) And I've seen a lot.
Okay, shoes are a necessity. Understood. There are still those that are out there shooting at people who are there trying to help. There's no need for this. Those are the ones I'm talking about.
Everyone is going to view this at all sorts of directions. The way I see it. I'm not in their shoes. I don't know how I would act in that situation. I might be that person who refuses to leave. I might be that person who goes to Footlocker. I might be that person who throws a large object at cars passing by. I might be a lot of those people, which one.. who knows. There was no authority down there and like a kid in class would do without the teacher in the room is exactly what some did. :unsure:

I am kinda tired of seeing it everywhere. I found a news station.. i don't even remember which one, but they actually didn't talk about. They talked about that Cirque de solei..
Originally posted by Enyone@Sep 5 2005, 05:15 PM
They talked about that Cirque de solei..
Woot for acrobat porn :woo:

I understand that most people are pissed at what they are seeing. It's just that you are seeing the wrong things because they are "Newsworthy."
I can tell you from first hand experience that most of the people down there are being down right heroic and that you will never hear about it. That's what you should be seeing though. Americans being Americans in their darkest hour. I've seen it, I've lived it, and it brings tears to my eyes to know that it's the same today as it ever was and that Dubya and company have let us down again and that the people down there are being criticized because of a few assholes. avery few believe me.
Originally posted by givemfitz@Sep 5 2005, 08:17 PM
I haven't seen a single newsreel of anyone stealing anything other than essentials.
:unsure: ive seen and read about people stealing tv's and stuff...
Right now I am thinking I should be on a date with a level 7 elvish ranger from gondor. :nerd: hu-hu-hu
Originally posted by a_iver@Sep 6 2005, 06:41 PM
Right now I am thinking I should be on a date with a level 7 elvish ranger from gondor. :nerd: hu-hu-hu
there are no elves in gondor :nerd:
Pretty sure I saw Legolas and Elron there. Or was it Elron? :unsure: Maybe it was agent Smith. Just not sure anymore. :rolleyes: But I definately saw Legolas there. ;)