what are you thinking right now?

Yea it means ''Erika''

Every single kid I've come across says my name like that.. or ''Keke''
:lol: I would call you nanissa..

Well that's how Flora says it :blush:
Originally posted by Enyone@Sep 4 2005, 08:08 PM

Dude remember our 5 second conversation?

:lol: You guys I'm ''babysitting'' my little cousin and I have Atlantis on for her. And she sooo does not like it. So I go downstairs real quick and as I'm coming up I hear my blowdryer come on. And She's like '' Gaga! Gaga, I pessed button, I pessed it! Gaga! Gaga! Oh No, I pessed it" And she's backing away from it. Sooo cute!
I soooo remember. :)
Definitely a short conversation.:leela:
Nobody loves me every hates me. I guess I'll go eat worms. I really wanted to talk to you melissa. Can't I call your home? :(

And yes I want to talk to you too erika, I just have something I wanted to say to melish (not bad)

:P :)

Ok give me 3 minutes, I gotta page the phone and find out where the dog buried it.
Hahah it was in the bathroom trashcan. :lol: :lol:

Erika all I could hear in your message was "Warmamama up the phone."
I was eating a granola bar.. ok I'm going to Wendy's anyone want anything?
what i am thinking right now is that i would love to go to Louisiana and beat the ever living shit of the looders and the ass holes that are raping the women there. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
Originally posted by goldengloves88@Sep 4 2005, 10:13 PM
what i am thinking right now is that i would love to go to Louisiana and beat the ever living shit of the looders and the ass holes that are raping the women there. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
Or! How bout we beat the ever living shit of the asshole rapists and leave the looters alone since all they're stealing is food and clothes to keep their families alive.