Toyota Matrix "Cell Splitting"

If anyone knows what the name of the song is that is played in this commercial, gimme a shout. If you google "2006 Toyota Matrix" there is a YouTube video that you can stream if you want to hear the song/see the commercial.
Incidentally, the song from the first clip is, apparently, called Vinylgroover's "Feels Like Magic," which isn't readily available.
awesome song! i wish i could help. i searched yahoo! and yahoo! uk, hehe. nothing.

here we are
seems familiar
can't stop feeling
won't stop feeling
I googled it and someone said that the song was made specifically for the commercial and is not available to the public. sorry... wicked song though
hey guys im looking for a song to this toyota matrix commercial where the guy is in the car driving towards a divider and then the car splits into 2 cars, and the cars keep splitting throughout the commercial. I often see this commercial at the movie theatres before the movies. Anyone know what the song is?
So anyways, its that commercial where theres the matrix car and it ends up splitting up into like four different colored matrix's and at the end there is all 4 people in the care and they are all confused.

The music is like kind of soft techno/dance and there is a girl singing.

I usually see it in movie theatres before the movie starts.

Thanks for any help :)
I'm also looking for this song. It's so cool! Wish I could help, but I'm just as eager for the answer.
I think I read somewhere that the song was created just for the commercial.
dont know the car but the car in the commercial keeps splitting leaving something like bubbles in the air, at the end of the comercial all the cars come back together, and all the drivers are all in the one car.
I forget what car is being advertised, but I'll do my best to describe what's happening in the commercial... I've only seen this in movie theatres, before the movie starts.

A car is driving in the downtown area, past clubs and whatnot, eventually driving right into a pillar (or something like that...), and splitting into two cars.

The only lyrics I can remember from the song are "Just like a dream" in a really soft, female voice. The music is kind of techno-y, but really mellow.
Finally found it, upon searching old posts...
"Feels Like Magic" - Vinylgroover
I've been trying to find the song that plays in this commercial for about 7 months now. Its a car, dont know which one, and its travelling in the city, looks to be in japan, and a guy is driving and then he runs into a something and the car splits in two and now there are 2 cars and one driver is a guy and the other is a girl and she has a weird blue think for the back of her head. The car splits some more times and several other cars and different driver appear, one is a cartoon driver, and then all the cars crash into each other at an intersection and converge back into one car, but all the seperate drivers are all in the one car. Please help me find out the song, in canada it played in the commercials before the trailers at the cinaplex odeon theaters. Thanks so much
It not from vynilgloover ... I have the song. My sister found it. I thought I lost it but just found it on one of my burned CDs she gave to me years ago dont ask me the name of the song when she got its toyota melty commercial song.