Things I Love...

I love the Rasin Bran Cruch commercial where the guy gets fired. I don't know why I just think it's funny! :lol:
Yeah me too.. they have a couple of em now, I wonder if they're gonna hire the guy back on cause he's so resilient and he's never gonna know what happened or something.

How tall are y'all?
I'm a whopping 6'4".

I have funny feet too. I wear size 16 and my second biggest toe is really curly. I'd take a picture but our digi camera is outta batteries.
i a gigantic 5' 8" . i'm the tallest in my family, above average in my country.

then i came to the land of giants!!!
Taller than me = tall enough. And short guys rock too, like Jon Stewart and a certain fella I live with.

(I'm just boy crazy is all.)
Yeah for real. Actually it is because I have growth hormone disorder (among other things :rolleyes: ). I started taking a drug when I was about 5 years old. At that time I was about 2 or 3 feet tall. If I didn't take it I would still be that size. The doctors were amazed that it worked that well on me. They said most people with my disorder only make it to about 5'6" with the drug.
Huh. Well you're quite the miracle boy then ain't ya. I was supposed to get nearly 6 foot tall but didn't quite make it.. my doctor told me my growth was stunted because I had such a crap childhood.. <_< Well either way I'm 5'7" with size 10 feet.