The Lunch Table

BLTA croissant sammich with some cantaloupe slices. And milk. Always. MMMMmmm :)
I like Wendy's fries. McDonald's puts glutamate in their fries so I cannot have them anymore. :(
Wendy's is the best anyways. I go there all the time and get 2 jbc's, 1 5 piece chicken nugget, medium fry and a frosty. Best $4.63 you will ever spend.
I think Michelle found one but it looked weird. Or was that the :milkoutofthenose: smilie? :unsure:
Harry & David's bing cherry chocolates = HOLY FUCKING FROOTCAKES!!! :wub: :wub:
it was :milkouttathenose: that looked weird.

Leone are Ruby Tuesday's burders good? I usually get a steak but I want a burder and the last one I got at a restaurant was at Denny's and it was barf so.. yes? Good? :)
I've never tried one. :unsure: I don't think we have Ruby Tuesdays around here.
Wait.. where do they have them bigass burgers that they have to hold together with a knife?
:lol: Okay, my friend pulled up his myspace account on someone else's computer and I guess forgot to sign out or maybe it was set to remember the password but he went in and completely altered his profile. It's hilarious. Read through the interests and stuff.
Originally posted by dascoot@May 29 2006, 04:40 PM
:duh: Thaaaaat's it.. so they're good then?
YES!! *drool* They use Agnus (sp?) beef, I swear it's like crack. :leela: