Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

Originally posted by dascoot@Aug 6 2005, 04:32 PM
Steph has the coolest glasses on the block. ;)
Totally agree.. anyone had lasik?

:( I want that so bad
Hell no, not me. Not til long term effects can be studied. :ph34r:
I love how the Dominos ads with Donald Trump make him look like a retard. :wub:
Originally posted by givemfitz@Aug 6 2005, 10:55 PM
Are you sure that's his hair? :lol:
Okay, fine. The poor creature he drugged and put on his head scares me.
:o I swear every pic you take you look different, how do you do it?

Did you sell your soul?
She rents it out. I have it right now. :P I use it to do naughty stuff & then give it back. ;) :P
Why does EVERYONE say that? I look exactly the same in all my pictures, like LITERALLY all my pictures, I still look just like I did when I was 12.
Can someone explain to me why, when looking for a new ringtone for my cel, there are 4 songs by U2 and 2 1/2 PAGES of Brittney Spears? And NO JEFFERSON STARSHIP! NONE!
Drum Corps is not cool enough to make my ringtone list.

:shifty: Oh yes. I went there.